36. A Single Bed

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There was only a single bed for a single person in the room and it was not for two people. I ran out of the cabin and to the other one and knocked on the door. The door was opened by Ara who simply stared at me.

"Taehyungie, you didn't take bath?" she asked and I nervously chuckled.

"I need to talk to your parents, dear. Where are they?" She pointed to a room and I walked towards it. Just as I was about to knock, the door opened and Hobi came out.

"Oh, Tae! What are you doing here?" he asked me and I looked behind him to see whether they had a single bed just like us, but to my surprise, they had a huge double bed!

"Hobi, my room has only a single bed," I whined and he raised his eyebrows with shock.

"Really?" I nodded and he tapped his chin, "Maybe you can go ask them for an extra mattress or something. I think even Yoongi's room has a double bed. Just ask the manager for another bed or mattress."

"Okay then," I said and waved good-bye to them before racing off to the office. I could see Jungkook sipping on his banana milk from the corner of my eye. How can he be so chill about this matter?

I ran to the office and talked to the manager, but to my disappointment he said, "I am really sorry, but there are no extra double beds or mattresses."

"Can't I take it from another cabin or something like that?"

"I am really sorry, but that is not possible since some of them have to be cleaned and some of them have already been occupied." I sighed and walked away. This is so not good. Me and Jungkook sleeping on the same bed...that was sort of fine with me, but on a small single bed, that is just way too much. I mean...you know, our—never mind. 

I walked back to the cabin with a depressed aura surrounding me. Jungkook seemed to notice it and he walked towards me with an extra sandwich in his hand.

"Sandwich?" he asked me and without giving a reply, I snatched it from him. I bit into it and enjoyed the sudden burst of flavors in my mouth, but even the taste of the food didn't seem to calm me down.

"Why are you so pissed?" he asked me and I glared at him. He clearly knew why I was angry, yet he had to ask me again.

"We are not getting a double bed," I whined and took another bite from the sandwich, "They said that all the beds have been taken."

"All?" I nodded and he tapped his chin, "That is pretty odd."

"I know, right?!" I finished the sandwich and grabbed both his shoulder with my hands, "You sleep outside and I will sleep on the bed."

"In your dreams!" he removed my hands and I pouted at his refusal. I was obviously joking about that, but then, I want to sleep peacefully, "Why can't we just sleep on the bed instead of deciding who is going to sleep where?"

"Have you seen that bed? Two grown men can't possible fit in there."

"Who said that we are two grown men?" he asked and I tilted my head in confusion. When he saw my confused state, he smirked and explained, "One of us is the grown one, while the other is just a budding adult."

"That means—"

"You are still a kid," he winked at me and raced inside the cabin. I laughed and bawled my hands into fist. That guy is going to get it from me.

After an hour of running and playing hide and seek with Jungkook, I finally caught up to him near the creep forest and tackled him on the ground. I began to tickle him and he laughed hysterically.

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