20. Blue Letter

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I came back, tired and exhausted from the office. I went inside my apartment and banged the door shut and slumped down on my couch. I needed a break. Like an actual break. I have been working too hard and there were only few more days left for that huge ass meeting.

I quickly changed my clothes and saw a sticky note stuck to my closet's door.

I am going to stay at Yoongi's house. You know for what...hehe. Food is in the fridge and luv you loads

Your bestie, Jiminie

I rolled my eyes and crumpled the paper and threw it in the bin. How the heck can he walk even after doing that multiple times? Won't he ever get tired of it? I shook my head and grabbed my laptop. Anime time!

Just as I switched on the laptop, I realized that I hadn't visited the mansion for a long time now. How about going there for a little anime time? I shut my laptop close and grabbed my phone before hurrying off to the mansion. 


Same old creepy, green and black mansion, but still I loved it. It was a shame I couldn't do much to keep it alive like before. I walked in and removed the key from my pocket. Even after Jungkook caught me here, I still kept the key with me.

I opened the huge doors and walked into the...

"Unknown~" I sang and twirled around, "Into the unknooooown! Into the UNKNOOOOWWWN!"

I laughed as I walked towards the clean room aka Jungkook's room. I slowly opened it and saw that it was in the same state, but there was a thin coat of dust over everything. Sheesh! I am not cleaning again.

But I ended up cleaning it anyways. After finishing with that, I went up to the mattress and switched on the laptop. The bright light stung my eyes making my eyes turn into slits. Soon I got adjusted to the light and searched for my anime. The light emitted from the laptop made the entire room look ghostly and eerie, but I didn't mind that at all. If I was watching a horror movie, I would have seriously ran back home.

So I sat and watched another anime series. When suddenly...

"That red dress is waiting for you back at our mansion."

Wait, when he said 'our mansion' did he mean this one? I looked up from the hilarious episode playing on my laptop and looked around. Maybe he meant it was actually here, but where? I shook my head and went back to watching the anime, but it kept bugging me. I shut the laptop close and got up.

Mission: Find the red dress.

And off I went to find the shitty red dress. If I do find it, I am going to burn it to ashes. I grinned as I thought of that idea and opened the closet doors. It was empty. 

This was Jungkook's mansion, so he might have some secret hiding places where he kept dirty pictures and secrets. I went to every room and looked into the closets, but the dress wasn't there.

Where the shit did he hid that dress?

I looked under the beds, under the covers and even in the kitchen, but it was not to be found anywhere. Okay, let's act like Jungkook and find the dress.

"Okay," I took a deep breath and looked around, "I am Jungkook and I am an idiot who is a playboy. I love being a pervert and I am very smart and ugly. I don't like Taehyung because he is so yuck and handsome and I love red dresses. Oooo...I will hide that red dress here so that I can kidnap Tae and make him wear it and—"

Hold on, did I check my room? The one I had stayed in only once. I walked towards that place and opened the door. No way! I can't believe I didn't check this place at all. I opened the closet and saw nothing. 

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