14. Two For You

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The next morning~


The sun rays shone onto my face, making it warm and unbearable to sleep with all the bright light. I slowly opened my eyes and rubbed it with my fingers. I sat up on my bed and looked around with my half-opened eyes. In a second, I fell back onto my bed and hugged my pillow.

Hold on...the pillow didn't feel like a pillow. It was...living. I fully opened my eyes and saw a beautiful guy's face in front of me. Holy shit! He is so handsome. Is this a dream?

I poked his cheek and it felt real. OMG! There is a hot guy sleeping he—isn't that Jungkook? I propped myself on my left elbow and leaned closer to his face to inspect. Oh my! It is Jungkook. Why is he here?

Suddenly yesterday's night's events jumped into my head and I slapped my forehead. Why did I even watch that anime? More importantly, why did I let him in? But I am glad I did that because seeing a handsome face in the morning is very rare. 

I ran my hands through his dark brown hair, his soft curls tickling my fingers. I kept playing with his hair and smiled when he groaned and edged closer to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me to him. I fell directly on his chest and held my breath.

I hope he doesn't wake up or else he will scream and break my ear drums. Luckily, he didn't. I left his hair and admired his face. A tang of pain hit my heart as I cupped his left cheek. 

"Do you know that I still love you?" I whispered and bit my lower lip, "It sometimes pains my heart when I think of you with Leishi and your wedding..."

I stopped when I felt a tear leave my eye. I buried my face in his chest and hugged him tighter, "Don't leave me."

"Mmm..." he hummed and my entire soul froze. Did he hear what I said? I pulled away and saw that his eyes were still shut. So...is he sleeping?

"Kookie," I whispered to him and he didn't reply or move. Maybe he is really sleeping. I heaved a sigh and sat up on the bed. I looked back at him and saw his mouth slightly opened. His lips were dry and cracked from dehydration. Stupid boy doesn't drink his water.

What if I...What if I wet his lips? At the very thought of doing that, I blushed. Let's do it! I chuckled and leaned closer to his face. I licked my lips before kissing him softly on his lips. It was just a peck, but when his hand snaked around my waist and pulled me to him, it was more than just a peck on the lips.

His hand which was under my head, tangled itself in my hair and pushed me closer to him. My own hands betrayed my side and looped itself around his neck. I had to break the kiss before it turned out into something else, but my body and soul had been hypnotized. 

They just wanted him.

It was a gentle and soft kiss, almost like those dreamy slow ones but not so slow. Every movement, every touch was magical and in sync. Our lips molded with one another. 

I felt his tongue touch my lip and I came to my senses. I carefully pulled away from his irresistible lips and slowly opened my eyes. I saw him with his eyes closed. He was still...sleeping!? The heck?! He was sleep-kissing me! 

I got annoyed and pinched his arm and he yelped out with pain, "OUCH! WHAT WAS THAT FOR IDIOT?!"

"You were kissing me, asshole," I lied since I couldn't get a better excuse. Plus, his dry lips were now slightly pinkish than before and he might ask me how that happened.

"I was kissing you?" he asked and I nodded, "Huh? Why would I do that?"

"You probably dreamt of...some perverted thing. That's why," I said to him and he scratched his head.

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