33. A Cherry Blossom

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The dinner went pleasant for everyone, except for me. Why? Because they were all talking about me. 

Jungkook was shocked when he heard from my parents that I topped the class in my last year in school. When my parents heard about my marks, they had to check thrice to see whether it was me or not. They even asked the principal to show them the surveillance cameras to check whether I cheated or not. 

Luckily, I worked hard and did not cheat. My dad cried fake tears and my mom went around her neighborhood boasting how she trained me to be the best. I couldn't argue with her, so I just let that slide away. 

When my parents asked Jungkook about my behavior in the office and my work, he talked about how amazing I was and how quickly I completed my work on time. While he was praising me, I on the other hand was blushing and looking down at my food. It was sort of pleasing and embarrassing at the same time, but it was mostly pleasing to hear it from him.

My mom probably didn't believe a single word he said, but she had to because it was Jungkook. My dad kept patting my back and saying how proud he was of me.

We finished dinner real quick and I went to clean the dishes when suddenly I was yanked back by Jungkook and was pulled away from the kitchen.

"What are you doing?" I asked him, but he didn't respond to me. He took me to the living room while he went to the dining table where my dad and my mom were arguing. He said something to them which was not audible to me. But whatever he said made my mom giggle and wave her hand at him and my dad nodded and smiled at him. What did he say to them?

Jungkook came back and grinned at me, "Let's go out."

"Out?" I asked him and he nodded as he wore his jacket, "But why are we going out?"

"Because I said so," he said and pointed at me, "Wear something warm. It's really cold outside."

Without questioning him any further, I went up to my room and wore my warm, bear jacket which had bear ears on its hood. It was one of my favorite jackets because it was really cute and fluffy. I ran downstairs and saw Jungkook wearing his shoes. He saw me and softly whistled when he eyed me from top to bottom.

"Wow! You look like a bear," he giggled and I rolled my eyes at him. We both said our good-byes to my parents and went out.

"Are we coming back?" I asked Jungkook and he nodded.

"Your mom wants me to taste her Choco-vanilla cake. Can't refuse her, right?" he said and I nodded. If you refuse my mother's offer, she will be your new nightmare. And Jungkook learnt that in a hard way.

"Where are we going?" I asked him.

"Wherever the path takes us," he responded and that confused the heck out of me. What path was he talking about? Luckily I charged my phone to maximum, so in case we get lost, I am going to punch him and check the GPS.

"You look cute in that jacket," Jungkook commented all of a sudden. It was dark and I was glad he couldn't make out the blush lightly dusting my cheeks.

We didn't say anything after that. We just walked on and I pulled my bear ears hood over my head. Suddenly Jungkook gasped and I turned around to see him staring at the night sky.

"Why did you gasp?" I asked him as his gaze left the sky and looked at me.

"I thought I saw a snowflake," he grinned and I shook my head with disbelief. It was too early for the snow to come now. 

"You must have dreamt about it," I said and walked in the front. I heard him sigh and he followed me. When suddenly Jungkook grabbed my wrist and dragged me with him. I wanted to yell at him to stop, but something told me to shut up. I ran after him, his hand still around my wrist and after a minute of running, we finally stopped.

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