12. Bloody Glass

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The meeting was finally over and I headed back to my office. I didn't wanted to go back after what had happened in the morning, but could I say 'no'? I got out of the car and walked my way into the building. After going into two lifts, I finally reached the 13th floor. So exhausting! Why couldn't father just create one lift? Shitty ass!

I looked at the CEO's door and felt like barging into the office and ripping his head off just like that. In my mind, it felt satisfying, but if I did that in reality, I would have gone and puked at the amount of blood which would have spurted out off his head. Ew! 

I headed towards my office doors and sighed. I pushed them open and suddenly I gaped at the person sitting in front of Taehyung's desk. It was Taehyung! But, how? It has to be a dream.

Taehyung looked away from his laptop and flashed me his boxy smile. A dream.

He got up and ran towards me and I was still clutching the door's handle for support. It is still a dream.

He hugged me with all his strength and I then realized, it was not a dream.

"Taehyung?" I whispered and he pulled back and nodded.

"It is me, Jungkook. I am back!" he smiled and I grinned from ear to ear and hugged him. He hugged me back too and we stayed like that for so long till Taehyung said, "I need air, Jungkook."

"Oh! Sorry," I pulled away and let him breath for air. Impossible! Like he was right here, in front of me, "But how did you...?"

"I told him that I was working here temporarily and was learning the ways so that I would be able to manage my company on my own. At first, he was pissed and didn't agree, but later, after begging him, he agreed to it."

"Really?" I asked him and he nodded. That was impossible. My father wouldn't change his mind so easily. I wonder how Taehyung was able to persuade him to do that.

"How did you do it?" I asked him and he chuckled.


"What do you mean somehow?" He sighed and shook his head.

"I am going to leave if you don't shut up," he said and I raised my hands in defeat.

"Okay. Okay. I won't ask anything more," I said and smiled at the fact that Taehyung was actually here. I don't know how he did it, but I am more than delighted having him here. He must be having those special charms that can made people do anything for him. 

"Hey, Jungkook," he suddenly spoke and I turned towards him, "Want to have lunch with me?"

Lunch with him? FINALLY!

"Yes! Let's go," I grabbed his hand and dragged him away, without waiting for his reply. Finally! A lunch with Taehyung! 


Somewhere in the CEO's office~

Jeon Sung-ho threw the cardboard box across the room and it fell down with a huge crash. He was annoyed and more than angry at the deal he had accepted with Taehyung. 

That fool! He dares to threaten me. Me! The CEO of Jeon Enterprises! He sat on his chair and pulled at his gray hair in frustration.

I should have burned those letters when I had the chance instead of storing them. Ugh! How the heck did that boy find it? I made sure it was well hidden and...I should have just burned them. He kicked the table with his leg, resulting in a sore toe, but the pain didn't get to him. 

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