37. For A Kiss

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The next morning~


I slowly opened my eyes and looked up to see Jungkook softly snoring beside me. What am I doing next to him? I realized my pillow was warm and when I touched it, it felt squishy. Jungkook's arm? Then, I felt an heavy weight on my waist. Jungkook's other arm. 

So, am I being cuddled by Jungkook? Yes.

I sighed and closed my eyes again, too lazy to get up and push him away. The familiar scent of Jungkook made me shift closer to him and I buried my face in his chest.

"AWWW!" I sat up all of a sudden and saw seven faces cooing at us. Oh. My. God. Were they...?

"WHAT ARE YOU ALL DOING HERE?!" I yelled and ran to the corner, away from those creepy people standing in my room.

"Aish! That was the most cutest thing I had ever seen in my whole life," Jin twirled around and began to squeal with joy. I just scrunched up my nose and shook my head. This can't be happening. Why do I feel this is some kind of a déjà vu?

"You guys still haven't told me why you all are here!" I said and it was Suga who answered among the people who were still talking about us.

"We all woke up earlier than you both and they sent Jimin to wake you guys up. However, he came back and called us all to see you both cuddling each other. I guess we have been here for like, an hour."

"AN HOUR?!" he nodded and I slapped my forehead. First of all, we are late for the trek and second of all, they were staring at us sleep and cuddle for an hour. What the heck is wrong with these guys?! I saw Ara hiding behind Hobi with a...camera?!

"Why is there a camera in Ara'a hands?" I asked and pointed at her. They all stopped talking and looked at her and then at me. Did they...?

"RUN!" Jimin yelled and they all fled away, stumbling and rolling out of the room. 

"OY! YOU PERVERTED PIGS! COME BACK HERE!" I was about to run after them when I saw Jungkook rubbing his eyes. He got up and looked around him and laid his eyes on me.

"Why are you shouting early in the morning?" he groaned and got up to stretch his legs and arms.

"Those perverted friends of ours took pictures of us cuddling. Why can't they just give us some privacy?" I put my hands on my hips and sighed.

"We only cuddled?" he asked and I slightly nodded, confused on why he was asking about that, "I thought we did way more than that."

Way more than that...? I face-palmed myself and groaned. Whatever we did, they would have seen it all. But how did they get in? I am sure that I must have latched the door properly. I scanned the room and my eyes rested on the huge open window. 

They came from there. I see. I am going to kill them.

"By the way," Jungkook suddenly said from behind me and wrapped his arms around me, "When are you going to give me my morning kiss?"

Morning kiss? Did I actually say that? Oh...I did. 

"You got your cuddles, so no need for kisses," I tried to wiggle out of his cage of arms, but my attempts were futile. He kept me locked and put his chin on my shoulder.

"But you promised," he whined and slowly nibbled on my earlobe.

"I still haven't brushed my teeth," I mumbled and he dragged me to the bathroom. The bathroom was really small and only one person could fit inside. But the stubborn Jungkook forced himself along with me. We were literally crushed together in there. He grabbed the toothpaste and applied a little on my toothbrush before handing it to me.

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