2. The Magic Lights

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"KIM TAEHYUNGIE!" a middle-aged man yelled and hugged me till I couldn't breathe. When he saw me suffocating, he pulled away and shook my hand till my wrist broke. 

"So nice to meet you, my Taehyungie," he squealed with joy and I nodded. Did I say that the CEO of KT company was a sucker for cute boys? Looks like I didn't.

"Nice to meet you too, Mr. Kang," I said and sat down on the chair in front of his desk.

"Call me Vicky, okay?" he said and I nodded. His real name isn't Vicky at all. I don't know what it is, but all I know is he doesn't like to be called by his real name.

"Let us see what you got. So..." he started and asked me questions which I perfectly answered without stuttering or making any mistakes. Judging by the expression on his face, he was happy with all my answers and I was mentally dancing. I will surely ace this interview. After the questions got over, I breathe a sigh of relief as he browsed through my resume.

"Well," he said and looked at me. He was looking serious and that sort of made me...uncomfortable? "You are in."

"Huh?" He smiled and handed me back my folder and patted my shoulder.

"Pretty much a fast promotion, isn't it?" he asked and I nodded. He suddenly laughed and patted my back, "You got yourself the role of an assistant."

"Assistant?" I asked and he nodded.

"The first step to becoming a CEO," he twirled around and suddenly pointed at me. The heck...? "is to learn from the best. Be close to them and see there every move." You mean stalking?

"And learn from those moves and follow them in the future. A big thing always start small," he pointed to the ceiling and I looked at it. Are those chewing gums on the fan? "Anyways. You will be the assistant of my son."

"Your son?"

"Yes. Kang Taehyun." Taehyun? Taehyun...TAEHYUN!

"You mean—"

"Yes. That boy who pushed you down the stairs two years back," he immediately replied and I evily chuckled to myself. That boy! He pushed me down the stairs when he came to my house two years back. Because of that I broke my nose—wait, hold on, it wasn't the nose. I guess it was the forehead. Yes! Because of him, I got this huge bump on my head. I am going to kill him now. Hehehehehe.

I followed a lady who led me to Taehyun's office. I looked around at the cameras and tried to find ways to escape after I killed him.

"This way, Mr. Kim," she stopped in front of a door which had the words  'KANG TAEHYUN: DIRECTOR' written on it. I thanked her and knocked on the door.

"Come in," someone from inside replied and I smirked to myself. Your death is at your door, Taehyun.

I opened the door and saw him sitting in front of his desk and busy signing papers. Now is the time.

"What are you here fo—oh my shit! What is with that face?" he looked up at me and turned pale when he saw my wicked smile plastered on my face.

"Taehyun, do you know who I am?" I asked him and he suddenly jumped out of his seat and ran towards another door. Crap! He is getting away. I chased after him and unfortunately for him, the door wasn't opening. He saw me and ran to the cupboard and climbed on top of it. How...?

"What the heck do you think you are doing?" he yelled at me and I scoffed at him.

"Trying to kill you," I replied back and he tilted his head in confusion.

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