53. To Love or Not to love

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"Uhmm...Why are you talking about that now?" I asked him as he raised an eyebrow at me. Why did he ask me that question when I just escaped death? What a mean guy!

"I got to know a part of it," he said and ran a hand through his hair in frustration, "I read your letter and—"

"YOU READ MY LETTER!?" I yelled and started to cough. Jungkook got up and gave me some a glass of water which I gulped down in seconds.

"Well, I accidently read it. It fell off from the back of the board and—But the point is, I got to know you were forced to say it. Someone forced you, right? Now you tell me, who was that someone?"

"I...I can't tell you who it is. I mean, I made a deal with them that I won't—"

"Okay, I will make things easier for you," Jungkook raised his hand and said, "My father told me what had happened. He told me that he blackmailed you and he forced you to break up with me."

"He did? But—"

"Now, can you tell me what exactly happened that night?" Jungkook asked me. I really didn't want to tell him that, but since he resigned from the company and cut ties with his father, I guess it was safe to tell him the truth.

I nodded and propped a pillow behind me before laying down in a comfortable position. Jungkook shuffled closer to me and let his hand roam through my hair.

"It all started when..."

"I AM GAY!" I yelled and I finally caught their attention. They stared at me and I gulped. Here it goes, "I am gay and I am in love with Jungkook. He loves me too. So...I am not marrying that ghost, okay?"

I heard my mom sigh and saw my dad bury his face in his hands. Oh god! What are they going to say? And why is that fricking cat in the TV staring at me?

"Get the money, loser!" my mom screamed at my father with joy. Huh? My dad groaned and walked to the bedroom and came back with his wallet.

"I seriously hate you," my dad muttered and handed the money over to my mother who snatched it and began to count it. Wait, hold on? I confessed something serious here and this is how they react. Wait, are they ignoring me like before? No way! What the heck!

"I said that I am—"

"WE KNOW!" they both yelled at me at the same time and I jumped in fright.

"So...are you guys going to kick me out?" I asked them and they both let out a sigh.

"Why will we kick you out if you are gay?" my father asked and shook his head, "Don't worry, Tae. We are not those kind of parents who are homophobic and kick our own children out of the house. I mean, who does that?"

"Homophobic bastards!" my mom said as she put the money back in her wallet, "Well, now we know you are gay so you are free to love whomever you want."

"You mean, you guys accept me?" I asked them and they nodded. The heavy burden of being gay was finally lifted off of my shoulders as I ran up to them and hugged them tightly. My parents were sort of confused on why I did that, but they had no clue how delighted I was when they accepted me.

"But, what was the money about?" I asked them. My dad groaned and face-palmed himself, while my mom grinned at him.

"When you first said that you were gay, we were totally shocked," my mom started and leaned back on the couch while watching the drama on TV, "But we thought that it must have been some kind of joke or misunderstanding so we forgot about it.

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