24. Truth Untold

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"He is not picking up his phone," I said to Namjoon who was busy scrolling through his contacts.

"Even Hobi can't seem to reach him." I sighed and leaned back on the couch in Namjoon's house. I tried to call Taehyung at least thirteen times, but he either didn't pick it up or he cut the call. Namjoon had called the rest and asked them to call Taehyung, but like me, none of them succeeded. He was obviously avoiding me and the rest of us.

"I think you should go and search for him," Jin said as he came out of the kitchen with a glass full of water. He handed me the glass but I just shook my head.

"What about Jimin?" I asked Namjoon and he sighed.

"Even Jimin couldn't get a hold on him. I called them all to come here," he said and I got up and headed to the doors.

"Hey, where are you going?" Jin asked me.

"I am going to go and find Taehyung," I said and opened the door and walked out. I ran to my car and started the engine. Where will Taehyung go to? His house?

I made a turn and drove to his place. However, when I reached there, nobody responded. So he is not here. Then...the office? No way will he go there. That place must be a cursed region for him.

The mansion!

I jumped into my car and headed straight to the old, ruined mansion. I quickly got out and ran inside the place.

"TAEHYUNG!" I shouted hoping to hear him call my name back. But it was silent. Only the rustling of leaves and the hush wind could be heard inside. 

"TAEHYUNG! WHERE ARE YOU?" I ran to my room and flung it open. It was empty. I banged into every room and checked, but there was no one. 

Where are you, Taehyung?

I bit my lip and raked a hand through my hair. Shit! SHIT!

"DAMN IT!" I kicked the worn out sofa and watched as it fell backwards. I ran out from the mansion and sat inside the car again. I drove to various places where Taehyung had visited before and even went to the mall, but he wasn't there. He had just disappeared. 

I heard my phone ring and I picked it up hoping it was Taehyung, but it was Namjoon. I groaned and answered it.

"Did you find him?" he asked me and I sighed.

"Nope. I checked everywhere, hyung, but he is not there at all. I even went to the mansion."

"Jimin checked his parent's place, but he is not there either. Do you know any other place?"

"I don't know," I whispered and I could feel myself tremble, "I-I am scared."

"Hey, hey. Don't be scared. Come back to my place and we will discuss about it. Okay?"

I nodded and cut the call. Oh wait, he didn't see me nod. I slapped my forehead and headed back to my car. I got in and drove back to Namjoon's place.

It was almost evening. The sun was slowly setting down and the darkness was slowly emerging. It will be dark soon and Taehyung...I need to find him fast before he gets engulfed by the night.

I reached Namjoon's place and walked inside his house. I saw the entire gang there, all staring at me as I entered. There wasn't anger in their eyes, but sadness and disappointment which hurts a lot. After all, it was my fault that Taehyung had disappeared.

"Any luck?" Hobi asked me and I shook my head. They sighed and all looked down at the floor.

"Do you think we should go to the police station?" Jin asked and Namjoon shook his head.

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