5. What Are We?

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Brain is still processing...identifying the handsome guy in front of you...yep! It is Jungkook!

Oh! Crap! Like shit! That is him!? Obviously it has to be him. I mean, look at his eyes, his lips and his entire face. It is Jungkook!

Oy! This story is going too fast. We are supposed to meet after twelve or fifteen chapters, not now! Omg! What is he doing here? And he called me a ghost!? And a zombie and a ghoul! Annoying brat! Can't he find out the differences between us, huh?

More importantly...HE LOOKS SO HOT! OMG! I didn't expect that handsome guy I fell in love seven years back to be so hot now! Someone get me a fan, I am dying from this heat. I got to admit this, his muscles are amazing. You can legit see them through his shirt. Just, how much has he worked out?

Hold on...we are supposed to be strangers and not supposed to love each other, right? Aish! I slapped my forehead and he looked at me with shock. I need to get out of here before I start fangirling him. But the rumors weren't false when they said that he looked sexy. Right now, I need to go away from here before I fall in love with that figure of his!

"Uhmm...hi?" I started and I could see he was nervous and in pain when he saw me. Shoot! Why the heck did you say 'hi'? Do something, Taehyung! "Uhmm...just pretend that I am an alien who crash landed on earth after its friends kicked it out of the spaceship. So, I will be going now. Bye."

I turned around and ran out, but I immediately tripped over a creeper and fell on my face. Luckily, the laptop I was holding in my arms survived and I sighed. Now, who the heck put the creeper there?

"Are you fine?" a bright light shone on my face and I saw a worried Jungkook. Oh no! I need to get out of here before he or me starts crying as we remember the terrible past.

"Yep. Totally fine," I said and immediately got up before rushing downstairs and stumbling through the long grasses and out the door. I was finally out and let out a huge sigh. He was there. I saw him. I could feel the tears urging to come out and stain my face, but I held it back. 

I looked at my laptop and frowned. That idiot had to come in between and ruin my favorite episode. Sheesh! Let's go home and watch the rest. 



That was him, right? I can't believe it. He looked the same, but he was more manly than before. I watched him as he ran out of the mansion and I sighed. He still hates me, no wonder why he left. I looked back at my room and shone my phone to the corner. There was a small mattress, a thin blanket and some cool drinks and snacks. Does he come here often? Judging by the cleanliness of the room and the number of empty packets in the corner, this was his regular routine. But why does he come here? Doesn't it hurt him that this place has me in it?

Oh, I forgot. He hates me, so he comes here to mock me. But something told me it was false. Something told me he comes here because he misses those memories, but am I person who listens to that something? No. 

I sighed and headed downstairs when I suddenly asked myself this. Did he walk all the way here? Come to think of it, there was no vehicle around the mansion and he didn't seem to be holding any keys in his hands except for the huge mansion key. Plus, I didn't hear any sound of a bike or a car's engine starting.

So...he did walk alone. My eyes grew wide with shock as I raced downstairs and headed out of the mansion. There were no tire marks on the ground. Shit! The temperature outside was cold and I only saw him wearing a tee shirt and a pair of jeans. That dumbass! Does he not know how to dress properly?

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