52. Sleeping Beauty And His Prince

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"Hey. Wake up." My eyes fluttered open and saw a boy staring at me with those big, electric blue eyes. He looked worried for a second, before his frown turned into a smile when he saw me awake.

"You are finally up," he said and watched as I sat up. I looked around and gasped at the ethereal sight before me. Valleys of flowers stretched for miles till it stopped at a mountain and the sun shining bright in the sky. I could hear the gushing sound of the river behind me and the twittering of the bird who were perched on colorful trees.

"Where am I?" I asked the boy.

"This place is in your mind," he said and stretched his arms wide and twirled around. I frowned and looked back at the sky. My mind? How can that be?

"I didn't get it." The boy stopped and sighed.

"This place is like a part of your mind. More like a part of your soul. This is were your happiness lies." My happiness? "Everyone has this spot in them. But then, they also have that dark side in their mind."

He pointed to the mountain at the end of the valley of flowers. I strained my eyes to see beyond the mountain, but all I could see was darkness.

"You went there when you were fighting Akio and Chizu," the boy said. Akio and Chizu...shit! TAEHYUNG!

"Taehyung is not here," the boy replied to my thoughts, "You were so close to getting consumed by the dark thoughts in your head. But luckily, you slipped back here."

"Slipped back here? How?" I asked him as he smiled at the pink rose he plucked from the nearby plant.

"Taehyung," he mumbled and suddenly a cool breeze blew over the place, making the flowers dance in joy and the trees swayed along with them. The birds began to chirp in different pitches and it created a song that was calming and beautiful. Along with that, the fast flowing river brought life to the place with its roaring water.

"Happiness. It is a beautiful thing, isn't it? It is like a shield that protects you from all evil. Once it is broken, your soul and mind is invaded by the dark thoughts and you slip into temporary darkness. But when you decide to stay there, you will soon fall to your death.

"That's what happened to you. When you saw your happiness fall down, you slipped into the dark and lost control and wanted to kill them badly. But luckily you didn't. Taehyung saved you."

"Huh? How could he even save me? He was...unconscious," I mumbled the last part. He shook his head and placed the flower in my hand.

"When you lost your conscious, he woke up. He smiled when he saw you and he held your hand before passing out again. Even when your mind shuts down, your heart doesn't and when it felt him holding your hands, it jumped with joy and brought you back here. Now, did you understand?"

I nodded and looked down at the pink rose he had slipped into my hand, "I need to get back to him. How do I get out of here?"

"Wow! You are really in a hurry to meet him," he laughed and sat down on the grass, "Well, this is your mind so you can get out whenever you want."

"I can?" I asked him and he nodded, "But how?"

"Just tell yourself to get up." That's all? Okay then. I shut my eyes and tried to concentrate on getting back to my Taehyung.

"Before you go," I opened my eyes and saw the boy smiling at me, "I need to tell you something."

"What is it?" I asked him.

"Take care of Taehyung." He smiled as the dead leaves lying on the ground, swirled and covered him. Before I could say anything, the leaves fell down and he was gone. I didn't even ask for his name. I sighed and closed my eyes again, concentrating on getting back. Soon, a white light enveloped me and I was gone from my mind. 

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