𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐨

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I went home before the boys, just so I could sneakily hide their present in my wardrobe. I had texted in our group chat, so they all knew I had gone since at least one of them would always turn up at the end of the day to collect me from my office, when they were ready to leave.

I went into the bedroom next to mine, and pulled a white t-shirt from Jimin's shirts, and threw it on with a pair of loose pyjama shorts that were my own.

Our second floor was all of the bedrooms, four each side of stairs, with another set of stairs that were next to the large living space we had directly in front of the stairs from the bottom floor. I went into the large room, and saw the fresh flowers on the table in the middle of the room.

We had a housekeeper that came a few times a week while we weren't here to do our cleaning, and clothes for us. It was a life saver, because of the large house, it was hard to keep on top of the cleaning and we all took pride in our home.

Putting music on in the kitchen speakers, I made a start on making us some dinner.

The sun had just started to set, filling the sky to my left through the large windows, casting over our large back garden with two pools. As I saw the city in the distance, a slow smile appeared on my face.

I wondered how on earth I was so lucky, to end up with a life like this, with seven absolutely perfect men.

About half an hour later, the iPad's that we had on the walls in each room, let off a noise, telling me that the gate to our grounds had opened. I quickly jogged over to it, switching to the CCTV we had, and saw the three cars parking in the large car park we had to the left of our property. I chuckled at myself as I saw Jin kick at JK as they walked towards the house.

"Oh I smell food" Joonie breathed as I saw him first, come from the corridor. I gave him a big smile as they all filtered into the kitchen.

Joonie nuzzled into my neck as I wrapped my hands around his shoulders. He drifted kisses along my jaw before turning away, and going to the coffee machine.

"Noona" Jimin said quietly as I pressed my lips against his cheek, as he passed me, leaning over to see the food behind me that was slowly cooking away.

"Hi baby boy" I smiled.

I tried to hold in my giggle as JK quickly tugged me into him, pulling me of the ground. I felt his wet hair against my cheek, he had showered at the company.

I felt a smack land on my ass, that made me gasp, and I knew without looking that it was Hobi.

"Kitten, do you want a coffee?" Yoongi asked from near Joonie.

I gave him a smile and a nod as JK put me down.

Tae reached over and cupped my chin, past JK's bicep, to pull my face to his lips quickly as a greeting with a boxy smile.

"Smells great, baby girl" Jin breathed out as he walked past Tae.

I smiled at them all.

Yoongi and Jimin stayed with me to help me dish up the food onto the large serving plates we had, that we always just put in the middle of the dining table.

"Where's Joon hyung?" JK asked as we started to sit down.

"Probably in the studio" I breathed out, and went over to the iPad, pressing the alert button for the two studios, that were to the left of the house as you came through the front door.

As we starting doing our plates, he appeared not even a minute later. Yoongi passed him a plate, with food already on it, and Joonie patted his back appreciatively.

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