𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐲-𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞

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So when the sun started setting, I was watching it from our garden with Joonie giving me a cuddle from behind.

"Let's go" Jin shouted from inside the house.

"Can you tell me where we are going yet?" I asked. It was only Jin and Yoongi that knew where we were going.

I had to admit even just this small act of us doing something together helped raise my spirits. There had been no word from Sejin saying that Ethan had gotten back to his message about contacting him since he wouldn't answer the phone calls, and it weighed heavy on all our minds. It was like at any minute we expected the news outlet to post whatever they were going to write, and turn our world upside down.

"Nope... two cars though" Jin said as all put on our shoes.

I got in the passenger seat in Yoongi's car, with Hobi and Jimin in the back while the others went with Jin. We followed Jin for quite some time, the music playing lowly as I watched the two in the back with the visor mirror, they were both laughing about something on Jimin's phone.

A video got sent to my phone, from Tae. They were all singing along to one of their songs and JK's big grin warmed my heart from him sitting next to Tae.

We turned off the motorway and started going down a road a few minutes later that was full of twist and turns, the trees above us curving over so they shielded the gradual moonlight. And then the trees broke apart, a glimmering lake coming into view with a handful of wooden cabins dotted around it.

"Pretty" Jimin said from the back.

"Jin bought one of the cabins. It's only an hour away from us, so we can spend some evenings here when we want to get away" Yoongi explained as we followed Jin to the cabin right at the end of the lake, arguably the largest, and parked up right beside it.

I smiled at Jin as we all got out of the cars, Tae and Jimin already wondering onto the cabin and going around it to look at the view.

Jin took my hand and kissed my knuckles as we went over to the cabin door, put in a key code and it clicked open. And as I looked inside even without going in, I could see the three youngest through the large open windows on the other side, leaning over the railing to look at the water. It was all open plan, and cosy on the inside. Big enough so we could clearly stay here.

"It's two bedrooms, I've had to order more beds to be put here. I said it didn't matter if the bedrooms were a bit cramped" Jin breathed out as we all had a look around before going outside.

I smoothed my hand up JK's back as he made room for me to nestle in between him and Tae by the railing.

"It's a lovely surprise, thank you baby" I smiled at Jin as he leant over to give me a quick kiss.

However then I noticed a quick glance from Joonie and Yoongi. They nodded to one another and that made me curious. I rose an eyebrow at Yoongi as he looked at me, and he gave me a small smile.

Jin made a playful scolding sound as JK started elbowing him.

"There is another reason we wanted to come here" Jin said as he pushed JK away from him.

And whatever this reason was, I'm sure they all knew as they all turned to look at me to watch my reaction. Jin gave me a little smile before he carried on.

"On Friday morning, we are going somewhere for four days" Jin said with a big smile.

"Please tell me where, I can't wait two days" I said quickly, making Hobi chuckle.

Instead Joonie offered his phone and I took it, glancing down at the screen.

"Oh wow" was all I could say as I looked at what seemed like a luxury yacht, so impressive and brilliantly white.

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