𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐞𝐧

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The rest of the week went by normally, I had a date night with Hobi on Wednesday, where we went for a late night walk, along the beach. At that time of night there wasn't that many people around, so we felt pretty secure, and then we went back home and watched some kdrama in bed, and I fell asleep peacefully in his arms.

I knew I had been putting off calling back Adam, and before I had to leave for the day on Friday, I called him.

"Hey sweetheart" he answered quickly.

"It's not to early is it?" I said, knowing it was around 8am in the UK.

"No, you know I get up early anyway" Adam replied, I could hear the smile in his tone of voice.

"I just wanted to let you know that I can come back to the UK in three weeks, for about three days. Is that ok?" I said.

"Really? Oh I'm so glad. It'll be fine, just text me the dates and I'll make sure I'm not in a different country" he joked at the end. 

I smiled, breathing out a small chuckle.

"Joan is really looking forward to meeting you" Adam said.

"I'm looking forward to it as well. So is she your age?" I wondered.

"Yep. She has a daughter that's twenty-two, so I'm hoping the both of you will get along. You'll meet her as well, if you want to" Adam replied.

A thought quickly entered my mind.

"Sure. What's her name?" I asked, leaning back in my office chair.

"Lily. She's a photographer, and slowly getting herself a name for it, Joan's quite proud" he said, and I could hear his coffee machine in the background.

"Have you told her what my job is?" I asked, getting to what I actually wanted to ask.

"Lily actually knew of you, from your clothing line. I explained more with that you are BTS's head stylist as well, which she is quite impressed with. I love telling people about your career, when they know who BTS are" Adam breathed out.

So she knew about BTS.

"Is she a fan of them?" I asked.

"She wasn't no, but she is now I think, after she searched about them. That's ok isn't it? I mean it's not like you are going to be bringing that Taehyung fellow with you is it?" He joked.

I bit my lip as I forced a little laugh out to join his. No I won't be bringing Tae, but I'll be bringing two other members.

We chatted for a minute or so until we said goodbye. I would have to talk to the boys again to see if they thought it was a good idea to tell Adam about who he was going to be meeting, and why before we actually went to the UK. I'm sure I would only just meet him on his own without Joan or Lily first of all, and we could talk then. It wasn't something I wanted to say over the phone.

I quickly put my shoes on and headed out the door.

I had to go to my Doctors office, it was time to get my implant removed, and a new one inserted. As I drove there, I smiled at myself as the boy's most recent song was being played on the radio.

I was in and out within half an hour. My arm was quite numb, and a tight bandage was wrapped around it that I had to keep on for the next twenty-four hours.

As I walked back to my car in the car park, I glanced behind me, hearing a car beep. I saw a man, with a very professional looking camera, pointing at me from across the road. Once he saw me looking at him, he twisted his hand on the lens, and I wondered if he was zooming in on my face.

I tried to keep my expression neutral, before turning back around and getting into my car.

I burrowed my eyebrows, that was unusual to get any of sort of people taking pictures of me like that. He looked very professional as well, which made my stomach feel a bit uneasy. Was he just in the right time in the right place? Or was I followed?

I was still lost in thought as I arrived at home, to a empty house.

I mean, something like this was something to expect, since I worked with such high profile idols. Everyone wanted to know everything, about the boys personal lives. And the fact that I was not anonymous, because it was open news that I was BTS's head stylist, from my own clothing brand.

The iPad pinged as I was slowly organising my clothes to pack, ready for the week away the weekend. I smiled at myself, as I heard the voices echo from downstairs.

"Baby?" JK shouted up the stairs.

"Yeah I'm up here" I called back.

I heard Jimin's laugh as loud steps thundered up the stairs, and I laughed as I saw JK pulling at Jimin as both appeared in front of my room.

JK got hold off Jimin and pulled him behind his broad shoulders, as Jimin couldn't do anything but laugh, leaning back against the wall behind him.

I grinned as JK put his arms around my waist, pulling me into him and also picking me up from the ground. I kissed his nose, and cheek.

"How's your arm?" He asked quickly.

"Fine" I replied, as he set me down.

I outstretched my hand to Jimin as he jogged towards me, and nuzzled into my neck as I put my arms around his shoulders. I felt his lips pressing against my neck and I smiled up at JK.

"Will it bruise?" JK asked.

I pursed my lips, "maybe. I did bruise last time"

Jimin pulled away giving me a small pout.

"You know full well I need something with the amount I have sex with you all. I would end up forgetting to take the pill, I hate the thought of IUD's, and we would need to have condoms dotted everywhere" I teased at the end, making them both chuckle slightly.

"You'd be pregnant within a month" I heard Tae's voice from the doorway.

"No thank you" I breathed out.

He flashed me a grin.

It's not that I didn't want kids, it's just that I knew we were not ready for that yet, mainly because I have no idea how it would really work. I didn't want to plan to have a child with one of them specifically, because there's no way I could stay away from the other six men. It would just be torture.

I could smell the food that was being cooked, drifting up to my bedroom, as Jimin and Tae were laying on my bed, on their phones while I was in and out of my closet, putting outfits into my suitcase on the floor in front of the bed.

The iPad made a little chiming sound before a voice came through it, "food's ready" Yoongi said.

Tae took my hand as we walked, and I smiled at Jin as he drifted a kiss on my forehead as we went over to the dining table.

"Little" Joonie breathed out as he sat next to me, giving my bare thigh a squeeze.

"How's your arm?" Hobi asked, as Yoongi gave me a plate of food already put on it. I smiled at him, and looked over to Hobi. He glanced down at the white bandage that was just poking through the arm of the large t-shirt I was wearing.

"It all went fine" I gave him a comforting smile.

Joonie lifted up the hem of the shirt, to look at it, "when can you get it wet?"

"Tomorrow evening" I replied, before eating some of the food.

Joon nodded, "it'll be fine for the holiday then? I know you'll be in the ocean"

I smiled at him, and nodded since I was eating.

I wondered if I should tell them about the man I saw taking pictures of me, but I knew I was most likely over reacting, and I didn't want any of them to worry when I went around doing things on my own, like I normally did anyway. It didn't overly bother me knowing that I was now being taken pictures of, because it's not like I ever done anything interesting.

And every time I went out with some of the boys, we were always very careful, so it's not like I had to worry.


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