𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐲

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Seo and I didn't return until I mentioned it would be nearing the time we would be going home. I showed her around the new company building, which she was very impressed with. She was so easy to get along with and she was genuinely interested in getting to know me, telling me how brave I was to even move to a new country on my own, and learning a language.

I was thankful every day that I done so.

Tae was the first to come into my arms, my arm wrapping over his waist as I held the hand of Joonie. His mum payed no attention to it, like it wasn't a big deal and asked what the best take away was.

Joonie looked down to me, since I was the one who sorted that out, "a place that's a perfect blend of English and Korean food. The owner comes from the UK, and his wife is Korean"

Seo rose her eyebrows, nodding approvingly, "oh I must have a look at that menu"

Joonie showed her around our house when we got in after I had ordered the food for everyone on the way here, Seo looking through the menu on my phone, and we could hear the sounds of her approval as she wondered around. I was sat on a barstool with JK leaning down on my back, making me smile as he dotted kisses all along my neck. His tattooed arm wrapped around my front, holding onto my forearm.

When the food arrived shortly afterwards, Seo gestured for me to sit next to her as we ate around the table, talking to the boys about what they've got planned coming up. It was a mellow evening, and you could see how much it meant to Joonie that his Mum was here. She video called Joonie's Dad and I waved at the screen from behind Joonie, as pulled me around to go into his lap. I went with him in the car to drop his Mum off to the quite posh hotel she was staying at, and she said she would come to the company in the morning to say goodbye before she had to go to the airport.

By the time we got back to our house, there was only Tae and Jiminie left on the sofas, both half asleep in watching a k-drama that they often watched together. I kissed them both on the forehead before following Joonie upstairs as he started yawning.

"I love your Mum" I said quietly as we both got into bed, his arm pulling back against his chest.

"That's good, she's very fond of you already. I'm glad you both get on" he replied as he dotted a kiss on the back of my neck.

"And I love you" I muttered, closing my eyes.

He nuzzled into me further, "I love you too, little"

The following evening after a late morning goodbye to Seo, I was leaning against the counter in the kitchen, my hums of gratitude filled the empty room as I wrapped my lips around a piece of melon from the fruit bowl Yoongi had secretly left for me in the fridge with a sweet note and a warning to all of the others. Since he knew the youngest three would eat it. I was just having a quick snack before I would grab a quick shower and go to bed, feeling the tiredness already start to come over me as my eyes drooped slightly as I grabbed another piece of fruit. It had been a catch up day at the company with emails, because I spent the afternoon with Seo yesterday.

Looking up as I see JK walking into the kitchen, I give him a small smile before he presses a kiss onto my forehead and goes to the sink.

"Are you going to bed soon baby?" He asked as he filled his glass with water, his strong back flexing as he did the simple task of turning off the tap making my core pulse.

"Yeah" I answered, my voice being muffled by another piece of fruit as he turned to look at me.

He chuckled as he walked towards me, I kept my eyes locked on him as he encased my body against the counter, his dark gaze already had me excited at the thought of what could be going on in his mind.

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