𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞

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The start of the week was a calm one, with the award season out of the way for the year, the boys could focus on their comeback that was due in a few months time. I was busy in preparing the outfits for the tours, which was daunting to think about but because we done everything so far ahead, I never had to stress about the time frame.

It was nearing the time of day where one of the boys would turn up to collect me to go home, so I slipped on my shoes and put my laptop in my bag.

A knock on my office door surprised me since the boys would just walk in, but a second later Sejin popped his head around the corner, with a worried look on his face.

"What is it?" I quickly asked.

He pursed his lips, "come, the boys are waiting"

Once I entered one of the conference rooms we had, all of the boys were sat there, Joonie didn't even look at me as he was busy reading over a piece of paper in his hand. Yoongi outstretched his hand to me and I took it as I sat in between him and Jin. Jin brushed the hair away from my neck, and kept it on the back of my neck.

Joonie sighed and looked up at me, "dispatch are rumoured to drop something"

My heart sunk. We didn't need this from the article from last week, granted it was a harmless one, that army had thankfully already moved on from.

"Do we know what?" I asked.

Sejin shook his head, "all we know is that it involves three of the boys"

I creased my eyebrows. How strange. And why three of them? If anything I suppose the only positive thing is that it surely couldn't be about us, because that's all seven of them. Tae looked quite annoyed, and rightfully so. JK patted his arm to calm his sour expression down.

"Did they say when they would drop it? And we can't do anything to stop it?" I asked again.

"Within the next few days, and there isn't much we can do. You know how much they try to find out things about idols. And BTS are a tough nut to crack, they haven't really ever found out anything about you. Granted if you were in separate relationships, and not all together, I'm sure it would be easier to find something" Sejin breathed out, looking around the table at us.

I shook my head. I didn't understand the fascination dispatch had with the private lives of idols. Many relationships in the industry had been leaked because of these people, and some had ended badly.

"Surely it's just made up crap though" I muttered.

Joonie pursed his lips, "hopefully it is. But dispatch has left us alone over the past few years, and I think we've got over comfortable with it"

On the drive back home, Tae, Jin and Hobi were all quiet. I didn't blame them at all. Tae was absentmindedly stroking my palm with his long fingers, and I let him be. I ordered out on my phone on the way, knowing none of us were going to be in the mood to cook. I showed Jin my phone, so he could check over the food I had in the basket ready, and he grabbed the phone from my hand and I knew what he was doing, changing the payment details to his own that was saved already.

Yoongi got a handful of glasses out with some hard liquor as we got home, and most of them took a glass to drink while some settled on the sofa, and I stayed in the kitchen.

Joonie was on his phone on the bar stool, and I went over and hooked myself under his arm, and he spread his leg so I could slip inside between them.

"I'm sure it'll be nothing" I said gently.

He nodded against my shoulder, "yeah I know. I'm not scared for us. It's you... I don't ever want this to be leaked because I don't want you to have the impact from it"

I smiled, of course he was worried about that, "I'm a big girl, baby"

He leant back to look at me, eyes glazing over with an emotion I knew well by this point. I smirked slowly, and nuzzled deeper into his chest, kissing his collar bone.

Leaning forward he tapped the back of my knees, silently telling me to jump as I kept my lips nipping at the soft flesh of his neck. Feeling myself being carried a short distance, I kept my arms locked around his broad shoulders until I felt the hard surface of the dining table under me, causing my insides to bubble with excitement as I looked over his shoulder to see the others with their eyes already on us from the sofa across the room.

Once he had me firmly on the table, his head moved to block my view of the prying eyes as he attached his lips with mine in a fervent kiss, slipping his tongue inside my mouth instantly as he forced his way in between my legs.

"I love you, little" He whispered, pushing me back onto the table as he carefully climbed up on top of me.

"I love you" I breathed out, dropping my head back in a whimpering moan as I felt his erection prodding me through the thin fabric of my leggings.

Keeping his eyes locked on mine, he methodically and meticulously removed my shirt, soon followed by my leggings leaving me in my matching underwear as his eyes studied my body, drinking in every curve with his lustful gaze until his eyes snapped back up to meet mine and he leaned in for another heated kiss.

My hands palmed at his bulge that was sandwiched in between us, desperate to get a feel of him as I tugged at the waistband of his sweatpants.

Slipping one hand past the threshold, I wrapped his girth in a firm grab of my hand. Jerking him slowly causing him to groan against my lips. Pulling at his sweatpants with my one free hand, I slid them along with his underwear past his ass as far as I could reach, exposing his erection completely giving my hand better mobility to be able to jerk him off with a little more fervour.

I swiped my thumb across the head of his cock, spreading his little burst of pre cum along the tip as my hand gained momentum.

With his fingers hooked into the waist of my underwear, he lifted his body ever so slightly to be able to rid them from my body, dropping them on the floor beside us before dipping his fingers through my folds causing me to hiss with satisfaction.

It wasn't long until both of us were dangerously close to spilling over the edge, close to forgetting that we had a lot more than our hands to work with before I forced his thickness between my folds, rubbing it through them before he lunged his hips forward filling me completely as we both let out quivering moans.

Moving my hands up, I held his face close as he thrusted deep inside of me, keeping our lips locked as he planted his hands either side of my head.

I could feel the table shifting beneath us as he kept his momentum strong, pulling out completely each time just to ram himself back in with force.

My toes curled as my knees bent up, locking my legs around him as he began to speed up, making the table begin to slide across the floor.

My legs began to shake around him as my orgasm approached after a few short minutes of him never letting up, chasing his own high as he started to twitch ferociously inside of me.

Some powerful thrusts later and I was gone, crying out as my head dropped onto the hard surface as my approval coated his length as he came deep inside me, his face dropping into the crevice of my cleavage as he gasped for air.

"You almost broke the table" Hobi muttered out as he walked past us both still heavily breathing, and I let out small chuckle.


And as usual the smut was written by -
See you Friday 💜

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