𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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"What time is the flight?" I asked nobody in particular as we were all lounging on the sofa.

"We will leave about six in the morning" Joonie breathed out from the other end of the long sofa.

I scrunched up my nose, to which he gave me a grin back.

I had my legs over Jimin, as he leant back against JK.

I felt Yoongi's hand in my hair, running his fingers along my scalp, as I took a deep breath and relaxed more back into him.

"Have you finished packing?" Hobi asked, looking at JK.

JK nodded, and done a yawn, which in turn made me also yawn. I smiled at Tae as he looked over at me, me he gave me a soft smile back.

We all watched a movie, lounging on the sofa and cuddled against one another. Jin was half asleep, as his arm was loosely over Tae since he was against his side, I watched as he lulled his head to the side, leaning on Tae's head, as he shut his eyes.

It was moments like this where I took it all in, feeling the love flooding my chest, seeing all of my boys.

JK was soon starting to also fall asleep, and that's when I got up, Jimin glancing at me as I took my legs off from him.

"Come on, lets go to sleep baby" I breathed out as I pulled at JK's arm, making him stand up.

Everyone knew I would be sleeping with him tonight, since we had to get up early. It was the only way he would get up, other than Yoongi or Hobi coming in and dragging him out of bed.

I had a quick shower in my bathroom first, I knew JK had followed me in here, and it didn't surprise me to see him laid on my bed, just in his loose shorts, laying face down on top of the covers.

I smiled as I drifted my hand over his muscles along his back, looking at his arm full of tattoos.

As I turned around, I saw Jin standing there in the doorway. He extended his hand out to me, and I quickly went into his chest.

"Night baby girl" he breathed out quietly.

I leant back my head and gave him a small smile, leaning up and kissing his lips.

"I love you" I smiled.

"I love you too" he said, nuzzling into my neck quickly before pulling away and going to his room.

I saw Jimin and Tae then come up from the stairs. Tae was yawning, and rubbed his face as they both walked past me, I held out my hand to both of them and they drifted their hands across my palm one by one, before going into Jimin's room.

I shut my door, and tapped at JK's ass, as he groaned to move away from the sheets as I tugged the covers down. His large arm hooked over my waist, pulling me into his chest as I felt his head bury into the back of my head.

As my alarm went off, I rolled away from JK's chest which I was nearly completely on top off, and leaned over to turn it off.

I leant up in bed, pressing the remote on my bed side unit, so the shutters on the windows started rising.

I heard JK yawn loudly in the darkness, as the soft light from the sunrise was just filtering into the room. I reached my hand over and rested it on his stomach, making sure he was stirring, as his hands came over and rested on top of mine, and gave it a squeeze.

I smiled and got up, quickly going into the bathroom, and started my normal routine.

JK wandered into the room, eyes squinting from the light, and went to the toilet.

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