𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐲-𝐓𝐰𝐨

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"Thank god, Layla I'm so, so sorry" I heard within two rings of the call.

JK was staring at me, as he rolled over as he heard the voice from the phone.

"What's the matter?" I asked, I felt like I wanted to throw up. Breakfast was not a good idea.

She took a shaky breath, "my boyfriend... well ex boyfriend, is refusing to sign the NDA. He's just sent me a screen shot of a conversation he's had with some news outlet. They are offering him, a lot of money"

I was speechless. And long enough for Lily to call out my name.

I shook my head, JK didn't understand all of what she had said, and Tae was just waking up from the low sound from my phone.

"Lily, can I call you back? I need to wake up the others. I'm not in the right mind set right now, I had an accident last night and the medication I'm on is making me all fuzzy headed. I'm fine though, nothing to worry about. I know you are freaking out, but it's best the others are here for what you can explain" I quickly breathed out, truthfully.

"Oh my god, are you ok?" She asked, panic in her voice.

"I'm fine, honestly. I'll call you back as soon as everyone is awake ok? I'm going to wake them up now" I replied.

JK glanced down at Tae, he was slowly opening up his eyes.

I ended the call and just stood there.

Of course something would go wrong. But how the fuck did a news outlet from Korea manage to even contact Lily's now ex boyfriend? JK stood up, putting a hand on my forearm, waiting for me to do or say something.

"Wake everyone up, please" I muttered.

"What? It's not even six in the morning, baby" JK said, creasing his eyebrows together.

I done a deep breath and just cupped his sharp cheekbones, "everyone needs to be here for when I call Lily back. Something has happened"

His whole expression hardened as Tae slowly sat up behind him, now looking at me with very alert eyes but with marks over his perfect face from the pillow he was nearly face down on. JK jumped out of bed, jogging out of the room. Tae moved over to the side of bed to tug me gently in between his legs, kissing my chest as my hands went into his hair.

"Is it bad?" He asked quietly with a deep voice.

I nodded slowly as he looked up at me, and he sighed.

Jin was the first in the room, looking very much like he had literally been dragged out of bed by JK. However he knew to wait for all of his brothers until he started asking questions, he just gave me a barely there smile from how half asleep he was, and sat next to Tae as he reached up to run his fingers over my shoulder.

I nodded at him, letting him know I was ok.

Jimin and Hobi came in together, Jimin coming straight into my arms as I turned in between Tae's legs, and I let myself relax as his arms went around me, and nuzzled into my neck. Yoongi walked into the room with a tray, full of coffee's for the drinkers of the room. Jin and him exchanged a long look, probably guessing what was going to happen.

Joonie was last in the room, and Jin quickly looked back at me, waiting for me to talk.

"I'm fine before any of you ask. Lily has been blowing up my phone for a short while, and I checked it before going back to bed. Her now ex boyfriend," I said, emphasising on the word ex, "is refusing to sign the NDA. And he's been contacted by a news outlet, and offered a lot of money"

I glanced my eyes over the room. The men were silent and the first to react after a handful of quiet moments was Hobi.

"What a scumbag" was all he said.

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