𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫

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The following afternoon, the boys were all up in the practice room doing a few hours of dancing, keeping everything fresh in their mind while I busied myself with making dinner. I was humming along to my playlist, when my phone went off on the counter.

"Hey Sejin" I muttered, putting the phone against my ear as I popped the rice machine on.

"Layla, where are the boys?" He quickly said.

"Practising, why?" I asked, giving the phone call my full attention.

"I've tried ringing them. Something is spreading through Twitter, from a news outlet. It's a handful of pictures. I'll send you the link" he replied, and a second later my phone vibrated in my hand.

I put him on loudspeaker as I lowered my phone, pressing the link. My heart skipped a beat as I saw the title.

BTS's head stylist, is it more than just a work relationship?

There was around ten pictures, as I scrolled through them, seeing all the different times I had shown up in the same car as the boys to different events. But we had been doing this for well over a year now. Then there was all of the dates I had arrived with each of the boys. They had even kept count of how many with each member, apparently I arrived with Taehyung the most, with Jimin a very close second. However it was all very equal, over all.

"What the fuck" I muttered.

"Yep. Very weird. Namjoon is calling me back" he quickly added.

"Ok, bye" I ended the call and went onto Twitter.

I was still scrolling through my dud account, seeing the response from Army, when I heard their voices drifting my way into the kitchen.

A good majority of the fan base agreed it was a strange news article. They knew how obviously closely we worked together. There was some comments saying how the news outlet had a point, but they were droned out with others saying how it wasn't even any of our business. Their fan base had grown so much in such a positive way. I was always so absolutely in awe in the relationship between the boys and their fans, even though I was of course one of them, but in a different way. They listened to one another, and it only took a selca to be posted by one of them to calm any Army down, with some sweet words. Army are their voice.

"How you feeling about it, baby girl?" Jin asked as they all filtered into the kitchen. JK came right over to me, pulling me into his chest.

I shrugged one shoulder, "have any of you seen the response?"

Yoongi nodded beside Jin, he was already on his phone. Just like Tae was, standing against the counter, leaning into Jimin, they were both looking down at his phone.

"They agree it's a random and strange article. We should post something, just in case it turns. Calm it before the storm" Joonie added, looking over Jin's shoulder as he also got his phone out.

"I'll go on Weverse" Tae smiled, we knew that was his thing.

"I took a selca this morning, before we practiced. I'll post it" JK said, and I could hear the smile in his voice.

I leant back from his chest to look down at his phone, as he kept one arm around me. I rose an eyebrow, a slow smirk playing on my lips.

JK had a black t-shirt on, it cropped around his biceps, showing his tattoos. A dark grey beanie was on his blonde hair, the length drifting around his jaw line.

"That'll do it" Jin chuckled, seeing the alert on Twitter.

As the evening arrived, we ate and chatted about the response online. Some of the Army's had turned the response from the boys amusing.

I chuckled as I read one comment, as Yoongi and Hobi were cleaning up after dinner.

JK posting a tattooed arm is enough to calm down Army wondering why their stylist is always with them, see how quiet those Army's are now. We are gladly whipped by these men.

JK and Jimin went ahead upstairs and I could hear what they were doing. Moving some mattresses into my bedroom. Tae was chatting with Jin, choosing the movie we were going to watch tonight. After the long few days we had, I certainly was looking forward to just chilling out with all of them for tonight. I stifled a yawn as I went upstairs, Jimin giving me a sweet smile as he was dragging bedding from the closet rooms around to mine. I ran my hand down his cheek as I started stripping when I got into my room, JK glancing at me as he was on my bed, with lingering eyes.

I shook my head at him, "don't you get any ideas, I don't have time to recover from the seven of you tonight over the next few days"

He grinned, wrinkling his nose, "I know baby"

I had a shower, hearing the laughter drifting from my bedroom. By the sounds of it, Jin and JK were play fighting like normal. As I towel dried my hair, Joonie came wondering into my bathroom to give me a kiss. I leant back onto his chest as I rubbed the creams into my skin, and he drifted kisses along my shoulder before Jin cursing playfully at JK made us smile.

I put on a vest, knowing I would most likely be in between two bodies tonight, I didn't want to over heat.

"Can somebody turn on the AC please" I called as I brushed my damp hair into a bun.

"Already done, kitten" Yoongi said back.

I could feel the cool air as I went back into the bedroom, Tae was stood up in front of the TV, setting up what we were watching. Yoongi and Jimin were on my bed, claiming those spots. JK was sprawled across the bottom, in only a loose pair of shorts. In fact all of them were apart from Jin and Yoongi, that had shirts on also. Joonie and Jin were on the mattress in front of my bed, while Hobi was laid down on the other, eyes checking out my bare legs. I smiled as I went past him, offering my hand to touch his briefly, and he kissed my knuckles.

"Do we have snacks?" I wondered, knowing that we normally would do with movie nights.

Jimin kicked at JK gently, making the youngest smack his hand on Jimin's thigh as he got up and left the room.

I climbed over Yoongi, making him give me a gum filled smile as I straddled him playfully, before I got the pillow in the correct position so I was leaning up slightly. Jimin nestled into my side, as I folded my arm back so my hand could play with his ash blonde hair.

Tae turned and went and sat next to Hobi, as JK came back into the room carrying a large bag, and passed it to Yoongi so he dished out the smoothie drinks, and water. Tae got excited over his favourite snack, making me smile. The snacks were all placed at the bottom of my bed, so everyone could reach as Tae waited for us to all get comfortable, and pressed play.

And by the time we were half way through the sequel of the movie, Yoongi, Joonie and JK were asleep. None of us cared, since we all were tired, the boys more so than me since they were clearly more physical than me. Yoongi was pressed against my back, his hand wrapped around my waist. I could tell Jimin was so very nearly asleep also as he wasn't even watching the TV anymore, as he was nuzzling my chest, as my arm was over his neck, tucked into his hair.

"Go to sleep baby boy" I whispered, and he took a deep breath.

I glanced around me, without moving too much, and Jin gave me a wink as we caught eyes.

With a sleepy smile, I let my head flop into the pillow, and closed my eyes.


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