𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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"There is a hotel across the road little, we are staying there" Joonie said, smiling at me.

"There's a clothes shop down the road, we can get some clothes and something for her to wear" Hobi said, wiping his mouth.

They all agreed, nodding their heads. I left them to it, organising whatever they wanted. I had to admit that I really was not looking forward, to sleeping here alone. I hadn't slept alone in well over two years.

"Do they let people sleep over here? In the same room?" I asked.

Jin and Joonie glanced at one another before Jin replied, "I don't think so, baby girl"

My stomach plummeted, and right away I knew this would not be a good nights sleep for me. I was so used to having a warm body touching me.

Hobi and Tae disappeared for an hour or so, before coming back with a bag full of things for me, which I was grateful for. I made my way into the bathroom, keeping the door open so they all knew I was alright, as I had a shower.

I had to take a bit of a breather after washing my hair, as I did feel slightly weak. I noticed Yoongi in the corner of my eye behind the steam on the shower glass, he saw me faltering as I knelt down in the shower, and just let myself lean back against the tiles.

"Kitten?" I heard Yoongi call out.

"I'm ok" I breathed back, I just needed to sit down.

The shower door opened within a few seconds, as Yoongi and now Hobi looked down at me.

I shook my head, "I just needed to sit that's all. The hot water is nice"

Hobi nodded at me, and sat down on the floor by the shower door, just watching me as I smiled over at him. Yoongi put the toilet lid down, and sat down just behind Hobi.

We didn't need to talk, as I leant my head back against the tile and let the water go down my chest, taking a deep breathe. I wondered if I requested anything to help me sleep, if I would get it.

After a handful of minutes, Yoongi warmed up the large towel for me, and Hobi helped me out the shower into his arms as he wrapped it around me. I smiled as I leant into his chest, feeling his hands rub up and down my back.

Tae brushed my hair for me, as I sat cross legged on the bed with the towel still wrapped around me. The boys were laughing and smiling with one anther to keep my mood up, which never was hard to do with them around me.

Jin settled me back into the bed after I was fully changed and my hair was in a bun on top of my head.

And after a few hours, a knock on the door came.

"I'm sorry guys, visiting hours are over" the nurse said, I couldn't see her face.

JK pouted at me, as he was leant over the bed holding one of my hands beside me.

As they all gave me a kiss and a cuddle, Joonie was the last.

"You'll be ok little. We are only across the road. It's one night, ok?" He said quietly into my ear.

I nodded, and sighed as I watched all of them leave the room. Hobi had to drag away Jimin, while Jin pushed JK out of the door, I couldn't help but smile at that.

And of course, no matter what I done, I couldn't sleep. I put the TV on for some background noise, as it was so quiet. I was thankful that the boys had remembered to grab my phone for me on the way here, so I passed some time checking emails and checking up on things.

I sighed once more as I saw the time say nearly three in the morning.

I wrote in our group chat.

I can't sleep

Right away, Joonie's icon popped up, but as I stared at the screen for a few minutes, he didn't reply. I pouted, and just put my phone on the bed, and tucked the blanket over my shoulder as I rolled on my side.

I was still wide awake, as the door opening made me jump about ten minutes later.

Joonie was grinning at me as he came into view and I couldn't help but giggle at him.

"You have no idea how hard I had to persuade the nurse that caught me, to let me in here" he breathed out as he pulled off his jumper, and I moved over in the small bed.

"Thank you" I whispered as he pulled me back against his chest.

"Don't thank me for coming to cuddle my girlfriend, little. I'm surprised the youngest are even asleep, they are all sharing one room" he said quietly.

I smiled at the thought.

"Sleep, I'm here. I love you" he said as he brushed his lips along my shoulder.

"I love you too" I smiled, and shut my eyes.

The next morning, Joonie and I were woke up by my Doctor coming into the room.

"I'm sorry, I know we aren't allowed to do this" Joonie said quickly said in English as he leant up beside me.

The Doctor just smiled at the both of us, "it's ok, the Nurse warned me that Layla's boyfriend was in with her"

I let him carry on as he checked me over, as Joonie's phone started ringing, and he went out of the room quickly.

"You are all good to go. Just take it easy over the next few days, and make sure to keep up with your antibiotics, ok?" The Doctor said.

I smiled and thanked him.

"I recognise your boyfriend, is he a model or something like that?" He said in a passing comment as he was tapping on the iPad in his hands.

I pursed my lips, "something like that"

The Doctor looked over at me, over the top of his glasses, "don't worry, patient confidentially"

I offered a small smile, just as Joonie walked back into the room, "the others are on their way over. Doctor, is she ready to leave?"

He nodded at Joonie, and said the same thing as he said to me, before excusing himself to get my discharge papers and medication. I got out of bed and went to the toilet, while Joonie rang Sejin to arrange transport for the all of us.

I went into the bag that he boys got me yesterday, and put on the light blue cotton t-shirt, and loose fitting jogging bottoms. It would do until I got back to the resort house, and could get into my own clothes.

I heard the door open, and then the room got louder.

I smiled at all of the boys as they all drifted over in giving me kisses and cuddles.

On the journey back, I fell asleep on Jin's shoulder, and didn't wake up until he gently started running his hand on my cheek, to lightly wake me up. I was glad to be out of the hospital, and ready to enjoy our last few days of the holiday.

The boys fussed over me, making sure I was drinking and eating enough for the whole day as I relaxed on the lounger than JK had pulled into the shade for me, next to Yoongi.

I was smiling to myself as Yoongi and I watched all of them play around in the pool, Hobi gave up first and got out, coming over and dripping water all over my bare thighs as he leant down to kiss me.

"Are you hungry?" Yoongi asked.

I shook my head, reaching over and rubbing his forearm.

Jin pushed me to go for a nap, as the boys started speaking about doing a BBQ for dinner. I rolled my eyes at him as I stood up, making him raise an eyebrow at me with a small smile on his lips.

I offered my hand to him, which he took and let me wrap myself around him as we got into the bed.

I didn't realise on how tired I actually was, until I closed my eyes and could feel Jin's fingers drifting up and down my back. This was home, wherever these seven men were.


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