𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

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When we arrived at the award show on Saturday evening, as usual a quiet hush fell upon the green room, the presence of the boys alone making the other idol groups look over and watch them. You could see the switch in the boys, they were on their best behaviour right now as they bowed at the other groups, calling out their greetings. I separated myself, and got myself a coffee before the boys had to get changed for the beginning of the show.

"Layla, nice to see you again" I heard a deep voice behind me, that was in English.

I smiled as I caught eyes with the man, "Felix, how are you?"

He smiled back, "yeah, all fine. How are you doing?"

The Australian tang in his voice was quite adorable, and it was a nice change to use English for once. I only ever would use it with Adam.

"Tired. Award show season is a lot" I breathed out.

He grinned, making me smile, "it definitely is. It's great to see the fans though, that's what keeps the idol groups happy"

I nodded, "yeah, the boys are always energetic after their performances because of the fans. Takes them a while to cool down"

"It's such a rush, I love it" Felix said with a smile.

I glanced over his shoulder, seeing JK and Yoongi looking at me before Sejin ushered them away to get ready. They were always so aware onto where I was, and who I was speaking to. Possessive they were, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

I brought my attention back to Felix, glancing over his black and gold suit, "nice suit"

He grinned, "well thanks, that means a lot from BTS's head stylist"

I couldn't help but chuckle from his teasing tone.

"Noona" Jimin's voice make me look to them again, Jimin was glancing at Felix before Jin caught his arm, and pulled him away.

"They do seem very attached to you" Felix muttered with looking over his shoulder at the boys that had left the room now.

I nodded, "they are, we all work together well as a team"

Felix was quiet, looking at me. And then I saw him glance at my lips, and my heart sunk in my chest. I mean I didn't blame the guy, he was successful in his own right, but I clearly would have no interest. But he didn't know that I wasn't single, and again in my own right, I was successful. I also got stared at in situations like this, and the female idol groups would be staring at me just as much as the boys.

"I've got to go, duty calls" I smiled, patting his shoulder once in a friendly manor before walking away, and Felix called out a goodbye.

Jimin was visually sulking as I walked into their large dressing room, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes as I went over to him to poke my finger into his full cheeks, "stop it"

I knew he was joking, because he grinned right away.

In the mirror beside us I saw Hobi wonder over our way, one hand wrapping around my waist as he put his lips on my ear, making me pause, "you always get attention, sunshine. It drives us nuts"

"Oh really? I would call it being possessive" I muttered, turning in his grasp.

He gave me a small smirk, "call it whatever you want, you are ours"

I smiled, and pecked his cheek, "go get changed"

He rose an eyebrow at me, he was clearly in a dominating mood, but right now I was in charge. I pushed his chest lightly, making him bite at his bottom lip, and then I put my hands on his shoulders to turn him and lead him in the direction of his chair where the stylist was waiting for him. I patted his bottom, and jumped away before he could turn and grab me, which made me giggle. And of course, Hobi was livid that he couldn't do anything about that as he sat in the chair, eyes right on me. Then I turned into a chest, and saw Joonie.

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