𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫

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I was happily humming away to music, as I got ready. I could hear the other music in the house, drifting from the bedrooms around me, Jimin and Tae's were the closest.

"Has somebody got my red suit jacket?" I heard Tae's voice call.

"Check the youngest's room" Jin's voice shouted back, echoing down the long hallway.

After a few minutes I could hear the play fighting of both Tae and JK, as they were both giggling, making me smile at myself as I carried on doing my hair, sat on my vanity.

I only had on a matching set of white lingerie, which Jin brought me not that long ago.

Movement in the mirror made me look at the doorway, as I saw Yoongi lean against the doorframe, with just black trousers on. I offered him a smile, as I carried on doing my make up.

Jin walked past him, looking into my room briefly. He had a red suit jacket in his hand, and nudged Yoongi quickly, "don't be getting any ideas"

Yoongi flashed him a gummy smile, "I'm just admiring how beautiful she is, that's all"

"Stop creeping for a quick blow job!" I heard Hobi's voice.

Laughter echoed around the upstairs, and then I couldn't hold back my chuckle.

Soon after I was changed into a fitted black dress, that had small straps and a leg slit, that ended mid thigh. I put my heels on, bending over in my closet.

"That's a view I will never get tired of seeing" I heard Tae's deep voice from behind me.

I smiled as I stood back up, turning around.

He outstretched his hand to me as I took the few steps over to him to put my hand in his, and we left the bedroom.

Joonie's slow whistle was what I heard first as we made our way downstairs, where all of the boys were very smartly dressed up.

The iPad went off, letting us know that our cars were here.

We had to be careful when doing dates like these, and the company always made sure to keep our privacy by using the back entrances in most places.

Once or twice a week, I would go on a date with one of the boys, and sometimes a few of them would come. It was a great idea of mine, that we had been doing for nearly a year now. We were always careful, making sure the places we went to, were secure and if it was more public places, we would try and cover our faces as much as we could.

Around four months ago, a picture was trending on twitter, of Joonie. We went on a long walk in a national park close to us, and even though you really couldn't tell that it was him, unless you got up close, it was speculated if it was him. You could only see his profile as he was looking down at me, and you couldn't see my face at all, as my back was to the camera.

We weren't that worried about it, because while the response was both positive and negative, most of the fans had reported the posts that were sharing the pictures, trying to respect Joon's privacy if it was him.

Jin offered his hand to me, as we got into the cars. I had Tae and Joon in front of me, while Jin sat next to me. I crossed my legs, as Jin rested his hand on my thigh that was exposed from the leg slit.

"You look beautiful, little" Joon said with a small smile, showing his dimple.

"And you all looked very handsome. I'm a lucky woman" I smiled back, glancing between the three of them.

Tae scoffed slightly, "we are the lucky ones"

My heart swelled with pride and warmth.

We were quickly ushered into a private room in this high class restaurant we hadn't been to before, the wall at the back of the room, had a small aquarium built as the wall itself. Which we all were immersed in for a few minutes, looking at the fish and other creatures inside.

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