𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞

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I wasn't entirely sure on what to wear. I didn't want to upstage any of the boys. I was stood in the closet, looking at the two choices I had, and had been steamed and pressed in here for weeks at this point. My hair and make up was already done, I went for minimalistic make up, showing off my green eyes more than anything.

I stared at the black dress, it was floor length with a split in the side to show off some leg, that ended around mid thigh. The neck was halter, dipping to show some collar bones, since I was already showing some leg, I didn't want to show cleavage also.

The more I looked at the other two piece outfit, that would show some skin on my stomach and cleavage, I decided on the black dress. It may have leverage over me because I knew the boys were going with black suits also, since I chose it for them. Of course they all had differences, I made sure to give JK a silk button down dress shirt, so he could undo some buttons if he chose, which would end up happening. Jiminie had a tighter black cotton t-shirt to go under his suit jacket, to show off his toned body.

I needed the zip in the back done up though, and I nearly walked into Tae's broad chest as I went around the corner of my opened bedroom door.

He had intense eyes, glancing down my body. I cleared my throat before speaking, I knew that look well.

"Can you do the zip up please baby?" I asked, and turned around.

"You have no idea how much I want to mark you," Tae began, his thumb drifting along the skin right above my collar bone, "right here. To show everyone that you are ours"

I drew in a deep breath. We didn't have any time. I knew we needed to leave in a matter of minutes. That was most likely why Tae was coming into my bedroom.

"No time" I let out breathlessly, a sigh at the end.

I felt his lips peck at my bare shoulder, and his large hands grip at my waist from behind me. One hand left me and then I felt him doing up the zip.

"I'm surprised you listened" I grinned as I turned around, raising one hand to cup at his cheek, he leant into my touch.

"We'd only make everyone late. And we are already arriving last. But don't you think for a second I'm not fucking you, the second we are back home" Tae said in a darker tone towards the end, taking my hand to kiss the knuckles. 

"I'm ready" I smiled.

He kept hold off my hand as we walked downstairs, he knew I could walk well in heels but still would help me.

The boys were doing selcas, in the white background in our living room, and Jimin slowly lowered his phone as he looked over my body. I smiled slowly, as his full lips went into a small pout. Then I felt a hand drift over my bare arm, and I turned to see Jin. He drew in a deep breath before speaking.

"You look absolutely beautiful, baby girl" he said in a gentle voice.

I looked over him, he was as stunning as ever with his black hair styled away from his forehead, and that was a weakness for me. They all had their own hair colour or style that completely captivated me each time they would have it, and Jin with an exposed forehead was one of them.

"And you are as handsome as ever" I said in a breathless tone at the end.

That made him smirk at me, just a hint in the corner of his lips.

Sejin then ushered us out our house, as he came and collected us with the cars. The drive was long enough for me to get myself mentally together, to be used to the stares we would get. It was normal regardless of the dispatch pictures. I didn't have anything to compare this to, since I wasn't even employed by the company the last time they went to a wrap party, but I'm sure it wasn't normal for the staff of BTS accompanying them to this wrap party to be getting pictures also taken of them. Sejin, and the two others and I, were getting pictures taken of us the second we got out of the car that dropped us off.

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