𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

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The weekend came around quickly, and it was Friday evening. The boys had just gotten back from rehearsal, and had already eaten there as had I at the company before them.

I was in the bath tub, when I heard the iPad go letting me know they were home. I paused my music so I could hear their voices drift up the stairs, since both my bedroom and bathroom doors were open.

"Baby?" JK shouted.

"In the bath" I called back.

"Do you want me to come wash your back?" I could just make out his voice getting clearer, until he chuckled at the end.

"Go and have a shower" I shouted back, smiling.

Then I heard the play fighting and banter, which was a very normal sound for this house. It was heart warming and always made me smile. I flicked the tap on with my foot, letting more hot water come into the white cloudy tub since I had added some products.

"It looks like you are bathing in milk, kitten" I heard Yoongi's voice from the doorway.

I smiled, turning my head slightly to look at him as I pushed my foot down on the tap, the water cutting abruptly off.

"Looks inviting, can I come in?" He asked, eyeing my chest.

"Of course" I breathed out.

Yoongi pulls off his shirt, and throws it into the hamper. Unbuckling his belt with a sexy smirk, I watched him stipping down with his eyes locked on mine as I slipped further down the tub to give him some space.

Now naked, his cock is already getting hard, and I already knew why. He slowly lowers his leg into the water, hissing at the hot temperature as it stings his skin a little and lowers himself behind me to relax against him. Gathering some steaming water onto a flannel he gently washes one of my hands, soothingly running the cloth over my palm and fingers, kissing my knuckles as he then washed the other.

After kissing the other hand he wraps his arms around my naked, exposed waist and starts to gently peck the back of my shoulders from one side to the other, a bite on the shell of my ear sends a shiver straight down my spine and through to my core. He proceeds to wash across my stomach with his free hand cupping my breast, and rolling my nipple between his fingers, his hand holding his flannel as he lowered it under the water making my head drop back onto his bare shoulder in utter bliss.

I gasped in a breath as he washes between my thighs, purposely touching my most sensitive space. He rubs his thumb in a circular motion on my clit squeezing my nipple harder as I arch my back and lay my head further back on his shoulder.

Heavy breathing in my ears and steam around my senses, Yoongi's cock stands against my back, firm and rock hard, he pinches my clit and nipple at the same time. As I raise my hips for more friction he plunges two fingers inside me, pinning me to his chest.

"Do you want to fuck, kitten?" he whispers against the shell of my ear. With his fingers playing me like a perfect tune, I can only respond with a nod as my teeth sink into my lip.

Reaching my hand back in between our bodies, I grasp his thickness and begin to methodically pump him in the same rhythm his hand is working my heat. Pulling my hand away from him, I turn my body to give him a smirk, forcing his hand away from my heat as he looks up at me with hooded eyes laced with pure lust.

I spun my body to face him head on, my wet hands reaching for the back of his neck entangling my fingers with the hair on the nape as I dive my mouth towards his in a needy kiss. Gripping his hands onto my ass, his strong fingers pull my body to his, crashing them together as our tongues fight to win the battle of dominance. Something I will never win with this man, although I knew he let me take charge at times with the games we played with teasing.

Settling my legs around his waist, I push my heat against his crotch, the contact making him groan against my lips as I smirk into the kiss. Lifting my hips enough to have myself hovering over the tip of his cock, I pull away from the kiss and look deep into his thirsty eyes, letting my hips lower slightly, rocking my hips back and forth in a teasing manner rubbing him between my folds.

"Stop it" he growled, giving my ass a tap as I grinned at him.

Water spilled over the sides of the tub as I pushed myself down Yoongi's raging swollen cock, encasing his girth with my tight walls. Both of our heads rolled back as soon as I had taken him all the way to the hilt, pausing for a moment to revel in the feeling before I began to slowly and methodically roll my hips.

Dropping his head to my breasts, his mouth wrapped around one of my pert nipples making me groan in approval and lift my hips higher to slam into him with force. The water began to slosh over the sides of the tub once again as I picked up speed, bouncing on his length in a moaning mess as he dropped his hand to me throbbing clit and began to rub in a circular motion as he sung my praises.

"Look at you kitten" he hissed, pushing his back further into the wall of the tub and looking up at me fucking myself on him.

I let out a breathy laugh as I continued my assault, chasing both of our impending orgasms as the water continued to spill onto the floor. Feeling my core clamping down on him and my legs beginning to shake, Yoongi took it as his cue to help me along, now meeting each of my thrusts with his own fierce jabs.

Slamming my mouth onto his as my orgasm hit, I moaned loudly against his lips, my body convulsing as he continued to pound me through it. Gritting his teeth as my head tiredly dropped onto his chest, he began chasing his own high, slamming into my sensitive hole at an alarming rate making me scream out in pleasure until he spilled his load, coating my walls.

"I'll go and get a mop" Yoongi said breathlessly, making me chuckle quietly.


And as usual the smut was written by -
Thank you once again 💜

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