𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞

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I went to the bathroom, letting the boys go ahead first. My make up was fine thankfully, and I patted at my lips to get rid of the tiny smudges, I couldn't help but smirk at myself in the mirror.

But as I was walking back to the table, where Yoongi and Jin were sitting on, Joonie was hovering closely right next to them with JK beside him. By the look on his face with his jaw tensing over and over, I knew he was talking in a way that nobody else should over hear. We hardly saw that stern expression, and it made a pit in my stomach form as I etched closer. JK had a expression of what I could only describe as a sad puppy.

"What's the matter?" I asked quietly as I sat next to Jin.

Joonie glanced over his shoulder before looking at me, probably looking to see how close anybody was to us. And as he turned to look at me, his eyes softened but his tight jaw did not.

"Anybody could have pulled back the curtain, little. It didn't take any of us long to figure out where the three of you went" he said, I struggled to hear him clearly over the music from his low tone of voice.


I took a second to think things through before replying, thinking about his view in all of this. Of course he would be worried, and was it wise to drop to my knees back in the dressing area? Probably not, but it had happened now, and we obviously didn't get caught.

"It was my fault –" JK began before I cut him off. He didn't force me to get on my knees.

"No, I'm the one that started it," I began quietly, glancing at the table next to us that weren't paying us any attention at this time but I knew they still couldn't hear us, "I understand what you are saying Joonie, and I am sorry for doing that in this setting but there's no harm done"

Joonie took a long breath in, and looked over his shoulder to see Tae and Jimin looking over at us every few seconds, clearly interested in our conversation but Joonie probably told them not to come over. Hobi was at the bar, talking to a few members of EXO that I recognised.

"I wouldn't have a problem with it if everyone wasn't looking at us to begin with, but I can't imagine the scandal if you were caught. I couldn't deal with seeing your name plastered everywhere" he added after a quiet few seconds between us all.

I nodded slowly, wanting to get up and go into his broad chest.

"It's all of our fault, I could have said no and that it wasn't a good idea" JK mumbled.

"So could have I, but baby girl nobody is going to turn down your mouth" Jin said very quietly for obvious reasons.

Yoongi scoffed, making the lot of us smile.

"Just please don't do it again, in a place like this with so many eyes" Joonie muttered, looking down at me. This time he looked a lot less tense.

I smiled and nodded.

And just like that whatever problem we had was resolved. I couldn't help but feel a little guilty, but the thrill of knowing that only a curtain was hiding us was a bit of a turn on, and it probably wasn't the best idea to tell Joonie that right now. You could see he was still on edge over the whole leaked pictures, and he was right that we probably shouldn't have done that.

It was about an hour later, when the first group left. I was watching Joonie go around to all of our boys that were socialising, quietly telling them that we were going to be leaving soon. Jin, Yoongi and JK were sat with me, people watching with a little conversation between us all.

I decided to say goodbye to Felix, I didn't want to seem rude in just leaving when we had spoke a few times tonight in passing one another. He even joined us on our table at one stage, chatting JK and his friends as well.

He was sat with the rest of his members as I went over, and stood up with a bright smile as it was clear I was coming towards him.

"We're going to be leaving soon" I began.

He nodded, coming closer to me, "so are we. Have you got much on tomorrow?"

"I think my lot are going to be nursing hangovers, so no" I chuckled.

He grinned, "us too. I would love to grab lunch with you sometime, Layla. If that's not me being too forward"

I froze momentarily, I was sure I wasn't giving off those types of vibes with him, and you could see the hope draining from his sweet eyes. Just as I was about to say I was in a relationship, I felt a hand snake around my waist. And all that done was made me panic even further, because now all of the eyes on the table in front of me, were on that hand and the male that it belonged to. It wasn't unusual to be openly affectionate, but between a man and a woman in this industry, it wasn't normal. Especially when the man and woman in question already had dating rumours thanks to leaked pictures.

I felt the chin rest on my shoulder, and I could smell who it was. And that didn't surprise me at all.

"Lunch in what way?" Jimin asked, you could tell he was smiling.

Felix looked quite taken back, and I didn't blame him at all.

"Sorry Felix, he's drunk. And being over protective of his staff" I quickly said, smiling.

"Of my noona" Jimin mumbled very quietly in my ear, and I wasn't sure if Felix picked up on that, because it was barely a whisper above this loud music.

Felix glanced between the both of us, and before I even could move away from the grasp of a drunk Jimin, I heard the little startled sound of Jimin being tugged away from me, and a hand was pressed at the small of my back.

"Excuse my little brother, he never could handle his drink" Hobi said, giving that award winning smile at Felix.

"We've all been there" Felix nodded at Hobi, but then looked back down at me.

I nodded at Hobi, "I'll catch up"

He stood still for a second longer than what I wanted, but took Jimin by the arm and pulled him away. I didn't miss every table they walked past, glance at them sheepishly. I could just make out Joonie's very forced 'everything is fine' expression on his face. Jimin was in trouble, I could tell that much.

"I'm sorry, the boys are over protective" I said once more, switching to English.

Felix seemed to be thinking over his answer which was probably wise, and I smiled at the few eyes from his members behind him looking at me, they all gave friendly smiles back, "it's ok I completely get it. I can see why you'd all be on edge"

I nodded, thankful that he did at least understand it, "but, to answer your question... I'm happily in a relationship"

His lips pursed together before letting out a small breath, "that doesn't surprise me. No harm in asking though, is there?"

His smile was infectious, so I reached over and patted his arm, "I'm sure I'll see you again, don't hesitate in coming over and saying hello"

Felix gave me another warm smile before I turned and began walking away, towards a sulking Jimin sat down on one of the chairs on our table. Jin was rounding up Tae, tugging him away by his suit jacket politely.

"Come on, mister nobody is allowed to talk to my noona" I teased at Jimin once I got close enough to him.

He flashed me a perfect grin, making me roll my eyes before I followed Joonie who was now leading the way since Jin had hold of Tae who was waving at his friends. The car was already outside waiting for us, and since there was no cameras, or even venue staff out the front, Joonie nodded at me to get into the larger car also. We all fit, and I was in between Jimin and Hobi.

A hand came through the back of the seats to touch my shoulder, and I checked who it belonged to before kissing at the knuckles, it was Tae.

Even though it was one of our normal drives, nobody said anything. Joonie obviously didn't want to have the conversation yet, and was probably thinking in the best way in how to go about this. They never argued, but had more of discussions where they would say their points of view so the others could understand it. It was how they all worked so well as a group, and then how our relationship worked perfectly together.


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