𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐲

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The immense pain coming from my shoulder, made me instantly feel sick. I could only just hear the boys frantic shouting over my own breathing, and my pulse beating harshly in my ears. My whole body was tense, as I was so wary of moving because it shot more waves of pain down my shoulder and all down my back.

"Did she just say red?" I heard the loudest voice, that belonged to Jin.

"Yes!" JK cried out.

I whimpered, head leaning forward into Hobi's neck. As the hands went to the rope along my skin, even that movement made me gasp out. My head swirled from the pain, and it took everything in me to not throw up all over Hobi underneath me.

"Where does it hurt, sunshine?" Hobi said very gently, but I could hear the panic in his voice.

"Shoulder" I managed to stammer out in a whisper.

"It's her shoulder, get the ropes off her" he said, and then his hands went to my torso to help keep me still.

"Noona?" I heard the little voice, but there was no way I could comfort him right now.

I was heavily breathing and sweating, trying to keep calm and not focus on the pain. Every slight movement made me grit my teeth and whimper into Hobi.

"Fuck that, we aren't moving her. I'll go get a knife or scissors" I heard Yoongi's voice.

"I'm calling Sejin, and getting our medic" Joonie said.

Were they all in this room? I wish I could turn my head to see them, but I didn't want to risk moving to cause the pain to get worse. Surely I hadn't broken anything, because how on earth would that have happened just from rope?

I could hear Tae comforting Jimin quietly, and a hand brushed against the back of my head.

"I'm so sorry" JK said, and I could hear the quiver in his voice.

"What the hell did you do, Kookie?" Jin asked.

"Nothing... I didn't do it too tight, did I?" JK replied, questioning himself. The doubt in his voice hurt my heart, but if I opened my mouth to help comfort him right now, I think I would just end up screaming.

A minute later, I was being cut out of the ropes. Hobi was holding me tightly, careful of my left shoulder. It was surprisingly quiet all around the room, my cries from each slight movement the only sound. This was an unbearable amount of pain.

"Can someone put some boxers on me please, and cover up Layla if Sejin and Doctor Quinn are coming" Hobi broke the silence.

"Already on it" the little mumble from Tae behind us made me want to turn my head out of from Hobi's neck, but this was taking all of my energy.

Even as Hobi raised his hips, making me move made me cry out again. A sheet was put over my bottom half, and a hand smoothed gently over the small of my back.

"It'll be ok baby girl, help is coming" Jin said, and the fact that even his voice had a tinge of panic in it also, made a fresh set of nausea come along.

After a few minutes, Hobi kissed my cheek, "how are you doing, sunshine? It's only Tae here"

"Hurts" was all I could reply.

I wondered where the others had gone, and then I hoped they weren't telling off JK, he couldn't handle that right now. It was a fluke accident, and somehow I don't think rope will be allowed back in the bedroom for a while.

A loud sound made me try and focus on it, and that's when I realised it was JK shouting.

"Tae" Hobi said, and I heard the bedroom door shut moments later.

Now I understood why they weren't involving me in this, because I clearly couldn't even move and they didn't want me even more stressed out but I will be mad once all of this is over, and JK is more upset than he already is.

I wasn't sure how long had passed, but when the door next opened I heard Sejin and the Doctors voice.

"Hi Layla, unfortunate to see you again, lets give you a shot for the pain first of all," Doctor Quinn said, and I felt him move the sheet down from my back, to expose one ass cheek, "sharp pain... there we go. So I think you've got a dislocated shoulder from what the boys have explained"

I almost scoffed if I wasn't so tuned into this pain.

"The boys have told me you would probably rather me help you out at home, is that right?" He asked, pulling the sheet back up.

"Yeah" I said, barely loud enough for him to hear. Hobi kissed my cheek gently.

"Now, I've got enough pain meds here to make you quite drowsy, and you'll feel like your head is in the clouds. But trust me, you will want it. I'm not going to sugar coat it, because I want you to be prepared, it's going to hurt popping it back in. And I want to assess you first, because if it is a bad one, then I'll have to admit you to hospital. But you are a small little thing, so hopefully it's not too bad" he breathed out, all while I could hear rustling around from him with his medical bag.

I sighed. But anything to get out of this pain, it was indescribable.

He waited a few minutes, for the first shot to quick in and then lowered the sheet again, "I'm just going to have a feel, I'll be as quick as I can"

I mumbled, the shot had already made me feel quite light headed. However the pain, was still there. The first few touches, were bearable. But as he curled his fingers around my front and pulled the shoulder back, I could not hold back the scream that left my mouth.

"Fuck" Hobi said through gritted teeth.

I felt a hand drift over my head, "please give her more pain relief" Jin said quietly.

"I'm getting it ready now. Well done Layla, the good news is that it's not severe, quite minor. But none the less, it's still dislocated, now I'm going to give you some morphine with this shot, it'll work within moments" the Doctor said.

I heard sniffing, and hushed tones from the back of the room. He lowered the sheet again, and I didn't even feel the needle go in this time. The first time I barely felt it over the pain from my shoulder. Even though I was aware that I was laying completely on top of Hobi, if anything I relaxed my weight even further as the morphine worked. And as the moments passed, the screaming ache from my shoulder turned into a dull throb. I was able to take a deep breath. Even though my eyes were closed, it felt like my vision was spinning.

However hands on my shoulder made me instantly panic.

"I'll be as quick as I can" the Doctor said.

But by that point, my mind was so hazy it was impossible to form a thought let alone comprehend what was going on around me. A sharp shooting pain filled my senses, and I let out a strange sound, my mind was too far gone to even make me scream out properly. I lost sense of time also, because I could only just feel being moved around, before I drifted into sleep.


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