𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞

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When I next woke in the morning, I could barely move any of my limbs. Bodies were still pressed into me on either side. I could hear somebody stretching though, that sounded like Tae from his deep groans.

I really needed the toilet. I knew I should have gone to the toilet before I went to sleep last night but I was so comfortable. Yoongi grumbled as I moved away, and Jimin fell into the grove I had made, sighing sleepily.

Tae watched me with puffy eyes, JK was next to him on the mattress, tangled in the sheet. The three older men clearly had already gotten up which didn't surprise me, they were all early risers. As I brushed my teeth, Tae wondered in to use the toilet, patting my bottom along the way.

We all knew we had to go to the company today since it was Monday, but I had already sorted us going in slightly later than usual, since the boys needed to catch up on sleep. But I knew I should start waking up JK, since he takes the longest to wake up.

However I needed a coffee.

Jimin was on his phone as I went back into the bedroom, giving me a little smile as I looked at him.

I knelt down on the mattress, and kissed at JK's bare back, "time to wake up, baby"

He didn't move or grumble, so I pushed the hair away from his face from him leaning on the pillow on his side, and gave a few more kisses until he started moving, proving he was awake.

"Ask Yoongi to wake him up when he gets up please" I said to Jimin who gave me a little nod.

Tae came back into the room, and just smacked at JK's ass a few times, getting a mumbled response. Yoongi was stirring when I left the room, and I followed the smell of fresh coffee. Joonie was sat on the kitchen island, on his laptop. I let my hand drift down his bare broad shoulders as I went past him, to get two cups of coffee for Yoongi and myself, since I knew he would be downstairs any minute.

"You have slept haven't you?" I asked Joonie as I leant back against the counter, with my cup.

He smiled and nodded, "I only got up about half an hour ago"

"Has there been anything else about that article?" I asked as I took a sip.

He shook his head, "army are still talking about it, but are not in a war over it"

I smiled, "good, at least that's something"

I saw Hobi coming down the stairs from over Joonie's shoulder at the back of the long open room, he looked freshly showered. He kissed my cheek as I rested my head on his shoulder. And then we heard laughter, it sounded like Jimin's.

Yoongi was smiling as he came down the stairs, he must have woken JK up properly. Hobi passed him the cup of coffee I had made, and he thanked the both of us. I wrapped my hand around his waist as he leant back against the counter beside me.

"Have you gotten the youngest up?" Joon asked, looking at Yoongi.

He nodded with a smile, "he was waking up already, but I held the bottle of water over him until he got out of bed"

I laughed, Hobi bent over holding onto his stomach as he chuckled also.

And then the three youngest made their way down the stairs, Jin was only a few seconds behind them. JK still very much looked half asleep and I smiled as he came right into my chest, bending down so he could nestle into my neck. I grinned and rubbed my spare hand up and down his back.

"Are they mean to you baby?" I teased.

His hands squeezed my hips, and Yoongi patted his shoulder, smiling.

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