𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐒𝐢𝐱

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"Thank you baby" I breathed out to Yoongi as he passed me a plate full of food, before we all made our way to sit at the dining table. Jin and Hobi picked up dinner as we left the company earlier.

The sun was setting through our large windows, the sky a mixture of yellows and pinks. It made the pool look very inviting outside in our garden. JK made a sound of approval, enjoying the food as I sat down next to him. Jin reached across the table to put some more food on JK's plate, as we settled and ate for a minute or so.

"Can you guys tell me if you want Adam's fiancé and daughter to have an NDA?" I asked after I had ate enough to cease the hunger in my stomach.

Joonie and Jin glanced at one another, before Jin shrugged one shoulder, "it's no different than our families not having NDA's, baby girl"

I shook my head, "I think it is different. Adam doesn't come from this world. Your families do, they all know each other and have done for a long, long time now. They are tied together because of all of you, and they respect that. I don't know his new family at all"

JK glanced down at me, clearly thinking things over.

"It sounds like you are leading towards them having to sign the NDA" Joonie said.

I pursed my lips, sighing.

"Don't feel guilty about it sunshine, it's what we've got to do to keep ourselves safe" Hobi said, reaching over to grab my hand and squeeze it.

"But I'm worried about their reaction, about even having it ask to do it. Adam doesn't need one, I know that. And honestly, I'm not sure if Joan would even need one. But it's her daughter, she's a photographer, and clearly is in the loop as she asked Adam about the article that came out yesterday, Adam rang me this morning" I breathed out, leaning back in my chair.

You could see that pushed the boys towards having the daughter sign the NDA as they were all quiet. Joonie and Jin were having another one of their silent conversations, just by expressions. Yoongi was looking at me with soft eyes, but nodded at me.

"I'm happy with whatever you want, princess. But I think Jin and Joonie might need to take the lead when you talk to your step-Dad about it, so it's more professional and not a family matter" Tae said after he finished his food.

Jimin nodded beside me, "I agree. If you would feel awkward asking them, let Joonie do it"

I glanced over at Joonie, and he gave me a dimpled smile, "I'll do anything you aren't comfortable with, little"

I relaxed slightly, because I guess I did feel awkward about thinking about having to ask the daughter to sign a NDA.

"I think we should all meet Adam before we meet his other family. Because we can maybe ask him about his opinion on it?" I wondered.

Yoongi shook his head, "he will be biased, just like we would be with one another. He will say they won't need one. The daughter needs to sign it before she meets Jin or Joon"

Joonie agreed, and Jin gave me a wink as I looked at him.

"Ok then, I'll ask Sejin to have them ready before we leave" I muttered.

Jimin rose my hand in his to kiss the knuckles, and I leant over to kiss his cheek.

Hobi however looked deep in thought with his eyebrows creased together as he stared at the table, and I waited for him to talk once he had figured out his thought process. It was a few minutes later until he spoke, "should we test the waters before having Jin and Joonie meet her step-Dad?"

Everyone looked over at him.

"What do you mean?" JK asked.

"She could meet some of our families, officially" he smiled, looking at me.

My stomach sunk. I knew I had met the majority of their families, just not with the title as their girlfriend. They were all looking at me for my reaction, and by my sunken expression, Hobi stifled a little smile as he reached over to take my spare hand.

"You know my parents and sister will not bat an eye lid. It seems fair that you get introduced to our families if we are to yours" he said quietly.

I took a deep breath, "It's just nerve racking you know? We've gone two years with only select team members knowing about us"

Jin smiled at me, "I know baby girl, and trust me if we could hide you away forever we would, but we do want to show you off to our families"

And then I felt guilt. Because I knew full well Jin's family was started to pressure him to settle down, not enough to dampen his spirits, but it was hard on him because we all knew he had in fact settled down. With his six brothers, and myself.

"I'll meet whoever's family, I know some of you are just as nervous about telling your families as I am mine" I added, glancing at Tae beside me.

He was staring at his finished plate but pursed his full lips as he saw me glancing at him in the corner of his eye, "I'm not ashamed of you, or any of us, please don't think that. It's just that my family are quite traditional"

I nodded, "I know you aren't ashamed of us, I get it, don't worry"

He smiled, and I could see the tension leaving his shoulders.

I glanced at the other man I knew who was worried about telling his family. JK was looking at his oldest brothers for guidance more than anything and Jin gave him a little smile, "it'll be fine, Jungkookie. Your Mother will love her"

"I'm happy for her to meet mine also before we go to London, they won't be bothered at all. I have a few gay cousins, and they aren't bothered with it" Joonie muttered, finishing his food.

"I think this is a bit bigger than coming out as gay" Yoongi chuckled.

Hobi slapped at his thigh, laughing also, "my sister thinks a few of us are gay anyway"

That caused us all to laughing, melting away any tension in my shoulders.

"Who?" Jimin asked, still smiling.

Hobi rose his eyebrows at Jimin purposely, and then looked at Yoongi.

That caused me to start laughing again, as Yoongi gave Hobi a big gum filled smile. Jimin acted surprised but waved a hand, "what, as in the both of us together?"

Hobi shrugged one shoulder, "she said she wouldn't be surprised if Yoongi and Jimin came out as being a couple"

Then Jimin jump up, and started going around the table towards Yoongi who was shaking his head, waving his chopsticks at the younger man, "stop it"

"Come on, come here" Jimin tried not to smile, as all of us were laughing. Tae was wiping his eyes clear from tears as Yoongi jumped away from Jimin trying to wrap his arms around him. Jin was laughing the loudest, watching Yoongi slap at Jimin's show of affection.

Yoongi gave up and just accepted Jimin wrapping his arms around Yoongi's neck and resting his head on top of his, and JK took a few quick pictures as we all laughed.


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