𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

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On Monday, I was in and out of meetings for the majority of the day, taking my attention away from the boys. Jimin wondered in during the lunch break that I normally would go over to eat with them but I had an over seas call to take, so Jimin sat on the sofas in the middle of my office, looking at me with wide eyes and pouting lips. A face that was impossible to ignore.

I opened my hand to him so he came over while I was chatting, and had to hold back a giggle as he got into my lap, keeping the brunt of his weight away from me by his heels.

As soon I pressed end call, Jimin pressed his lips to mine and I smiled into them.

"Are you not meant to be practising?" I asked.

He nodded, getting up, "I missed you"

And that expression was enough to want to push him down on the sofa here and have my way with him, but I only had a matter of minutes until my next call. Instead I patted his round ass, bringing him in between my legs as he put his hands on my shoulders, grinning down at me.

"I've got another call baby boy" I breathed out.

He nodded once more, and bent down to give me a long kiss, slipping in a tongue before my phone ringing broke the edging kiss that was turning into a make out session. I watched him jog out of the room, giving me another bright grin before shutting the door behind him.

But during my last call of the day, my phone started flashing at me. The social media manager had caught wind of something circling around Twitter. With dread in my stomach I had to ignore it to focus on the call, to not seem rude. It was nearing the time that a few of the boys would come to collect me anyway, and just as I pressed end call, my office door opened.

Hobi and Yoongi walked in, phones in their hands.

"Have you seen, sunshine?" Hobi asked as I tapped on the link.

"Just about to" I breathed out, taking in a deep sigh.

Once I saw the picture, I was confused. It was of Jin, heavily covered in a hat pulled down over his eyes, with a mask and a overly large black coat to try and hide himself. I didn't think anything of it until I zoomed in on the image, and saw what shop he was leaving. A very expensive jewellery store. But this picture looked quite grainy, it wasn't taken by a proper camera.

I looked up at Hobi and Yoongi, still confused.

"Why is this news?" I asked.

Yoongi glanced at Hobi, giving nothing away with his expression before looking back at me, "we think a sasaeng took it. That's what Army are saying"

Oh. We hadn't had a problem with sasaengs for a while, mainly because the company was very strict on it thankfully.

"Is Jin ok?" I wondered as I stood up, packing away my laptop.

Hobi nodded, "he isn't bothered. It seems Army is more upset about it"

That made me give a little smile, because I know how fierce the fans were with the boys privacy, but given the past week of leaked pictures that kept coming it seemed to have brought out the worst side of the over obsessive fans. On the drive home, I scrolled through my dud account. A lot of Army's were trying their hardest to not let the picture circulate, but given how big the fandom was, it was near enough impossible. Some wondered why he was in a jewellery shop, as did I but I'm sure Jin would tell me if it was of any importance.

As we arrived home and met up with the other half of our group, Jin was the first to come up to me after I had taken off my shoes.

"You need to be careful when going out now baby girl, it seems we are getting sasaengs again and I wouldn't be surprised if you were also getting followed" he breathed out as he ran his knuckles along my cheek.

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