𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫

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We ate and chatted, Joonie and I translating for Jin with the bits he looked lost at, but he kept up well. Adam asked about the others, and I told him all about them, it was warming my heart in just talking about them because they weren't here. I just hoped things were going ok for them, and I couldn't wait to ring them this evening to see how things went.

Adam excused himself to use the toilet as we were having coffees after eating, and Joonie quickly reached over the table to take hold off my hand and raise it to his mouth to peck a kiss on my knuckles.

"I have to tell him about the NDA's next" I mumbled.

"I can do it if you don't feel comfortable" Joonie offered.

Jin pursed his lips, "I think it would sound better coming from Layla... but only if you want, baby girl"

I nodded, "I agree. If I struggle, feel free to take over"

Joonie smiled.

So when Adam came back, he started talking about Joan, which seemed like a perfect entrance into the next topic of conversation.

"She's excited to meet you later, but do you want me to tell her about your relationship?" Adam wondered.

"Actually I need to ask both Joan and Lily to do something firstly before they meet Joonie or Jin, and before you tell them" I replied, shifting my weight in the seat.

He rose and eyebrow, waiting for me to carry on.

"They need to sign NDA's" I quietly said.

Adam pursed his lips together, and was quiet for longer than I would have preferred him to be. I glanced at Joonie and Jin who looked just as tense as I did. And then Adam took a deep breath, taking a sip of his coffee before answering.

"I'm not sure if I'm comfortable with asking them that, love. While I understand your point of view from this, I've been with Joan for a while now, and I knew she wouldn't betray your trust. She knows how much you mean to me" Adam said, still looking thoughtful.

"This isn't about your relationship with either one of them, it's about us with them. For obvious reasons you don't need to sign one just how the boys' families don't need to sign one. But I don't know these people, Adam. It's just safe guarding ourselves, it's nothing personal" I breathed out.

He nodded slowly, looking down at his coffee for a few seconds, "so I gather you want them to sign it before dinner back at our home?"

"Please, because then the awkward part is over. They can't meet the boys before they sign it, or know who they are" I replied.

He rubbed over his greying stubble, "well, I'll ask nicely. So after they sign it, I can tell them?"

I nodded, "also, how much does Lily really know about the boys? I only ask because she sends you articles of them"

Adam shrugged one shoulder, "I have no idea if i'm honest, love. She knows of them, just like every person in the world. She sends the articles to me because I ask her to, she's in that world because of her photography job, so she would see them regardless. I just like to be kept in the loop about anything that concerns you"

That made me feel slightly guilty. Should I be pre warning Adam about things that might be coming out if we get a lead about them? The thought never accrued to me.

"Ok, that's fine. So we will come over to yours at about six?" I asked.

He nodded with a smile, "yeah that's fine. You go get some sleep, I can see that you are tired"

That was true. I knew my body was starting to feel heavy, but if I allowed myself too much sleep, I wouldn't be able to sleep tonight. The men all shook hands before Adam pulled me in for a hug, and we all walked to the lobby together, and I passed him the NDA forms from my bag before we waved goodbye at one another.

As soon as we all got back to the hotel room, we all stripped and got into bed. Jin yawned loudly as he settled in the other bed, since Joonie was me.

"Little, you're shifting around, what's wrong?" Joonie lifted his head upon the palm of his hand, brushing a piece of fallen hair out of my face, his eyebrows furrowed at my expression,

"I'm too awake" I sigh in frustration.

"I have something in mind that will relax you" Shifting up closer to me, he forces me to sit as he flicks on the lampshade beside the bed, effortlessly lifting me and placing me snugly between his thick thighs.

I groan instantly as his strong hands grip onto my tense shoulders, working on my stiffness with skilful rolls of his thumbs trying to soften the knots in my tight muscles.

"Wow, you are tense" he comments, adding more pressure causing my head to drop forward.

I can't help the sensual moans that slip from my lips each time he adds pressure to my most tense spots, feeling like my body is melting under his adept hands as he tries his best to relieve all of my stress.

"How does that feel?"

"Like an orgasm" I groan, rolling my head back to rest on his shoulder.

"Hmm, not quite" Joonie whispered.

Dropping his hands from my shoulders, he grabs my own as I whine in protest as he forces my legs open and plants my hands on his muscular thighs.

"Hands on my thighs, and keep them there"

"Yes Daddy" I breathed out.

"Hyung?" Joonie said gently.

"I was waiting for an invite," Jin smirked as his head rose from his pillow, "we're going to take good care of you baby girl, you're always so good to us" Jin leaves his own bed and comes over to kneel between my now open thighs.

"I'll massage her up here," Joonie cups my breast with one hand and a shoulder with the other, "and you can massage her down there" cupping my already sopping pussy and I whimper desperately

"Oh little I love the sounds you make, you make daddy so hard" Jin said as he kisses the shell of my ear before moving down my body.

"Watch, hyung play with your pretty pussy, hmm?" Joonie muttered.

"Oh, fuck"

Looking down, I lock eyes with Jin as he hooks his fingers into my underwear pulling them aside. Blowing a breath of cool air straight into my core, he makes my toes curl as he swipes his tongue straight through my folds.

As Jin works his magic on my heat, Joonie forces me to look at him by hooking his finger under my chin and forcing my head back before he captures my lips in a soft kiss, pinching my nipple with his free hand causing me to moan loudly into his mouth.

"You're such a good girl for us, so sweet, so sensitive and the way you moan in my mouth makes me want to fuck it, so bad little" Joonie whispers in my ear as his hands squeeze my breasts.

Raking my nails up his strong thighs, my eyes drop to Jin at the moment he sinks his long fingers deep inside of me, causing me to cry out as he pumps them in and out of my core at an alarmingly fast pace.

Joonie continues to knead at my breasts, tweaking my nipples in between his finger and thumbs causing them to become painfully erect. Slipping out from behind me, Joonie gives me a grin as he forces me to lay back on the mattress, all the while Jin has got my clit sitting pretty between his lips whilst still continuing to fuck me with his fingers.

Kneeling on the bed beside me, Joonie takes one of my nipples into his mouth, swirling his tongue around the swollen bud making my legs begin to jerk around Jin's head. Panting hard as I look down on Jin, my fingers rake through Joonie's hair, tugging at the root as I feel my orgasm building deep inside of my abdomen.

With my legs shaking hard, Jin senses my end and starts to pick up the pace, sucking hard on my clit as he hooks his fingers inside of me, pressing down on my g-spot for added pressure.

"Are you ready to let go little? Look at me" Joonie grabs my face by the chin as he clenches his cheeks, urging me to release into Jin's mouth, "cum for me"

With Joonie's word, I moan loudly as my release hits Jin's tongue, my orgasm coming out in waves as Joonie forces me to keep my eyes on his the whole time.

"You're delicious as always, baby girl" Jin comments as he lifts his face from my heat and wipes the slick from his mouth.


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