𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

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Joonie passed me a bottle of water as I sat back on the floor, after Yoongi had pulled up his boxers.

All of the boys were near enough completely naked from the fact we had been in the pool fully clothed, and I was not complaining one bit. It was a sight to see as I glanced around at all seven of them after I put the water back on the coffee table next to me, which had the lube and towels on.

I looked at Jiminie, since he was the closest to me and hadn't taken his eyes away from me once.

His boxers were pulling at his hard cock, as he leant back on the sofa. His perfectly pouted lips parted as he sucked in a large breath.

I sat next to him, and dragged my hand along his toned stomach, before cupping the back of his neck and turning his head towards me.

Our lips met quickly, and he matched my energy with how fierce I was being.

I smiled into his lips as he slowly started pushing us down on the sofa, so I was laid flat on my back with Jimin in between my legs.

I felt somebody's thigh touching the top of my head, and as Jimin started trailing kisses along my jaw line and neck, I smiled up at Hobi who brought his hand down to wipe a few stray hairs of mine away from my forehead.

"Don't look at me like that or I'll stick my cock in your mouth" Hobi breathed out, smirking at me at the end.

"You've had your turn" I muttered back, gripping at Jimin's shoulders.

I heard JK and Tae chuckle as Hobi narrowed his eyes at me, but he was smiling.

Jimin breathed out a small noise, proving on how ready he was. I could feel his hard in pressing on my right leg as he leant to the side.

As he leant up, I moved my hand down his abs, feeling the muscles under his soft skin, and tugged at his boxer waist band. Jimin pulled them off with one swift movement, and looked up at me through his thick lashes.

I knew exactly what he was waiting for, as he leant forward and dragged the tip of his cock through my folds, he went up and down a few times which made me gasp, and I didn't take my gaze away from him once.

I saw the glint of a smile on his lips.

"Do you want to fuck your noona?" I breathed out.

Jimin's only reply was a quick breath in through his gritted teeth, as a small shiver ran through him. I felt him angle his cock, but I tipped my hips up which made him go up through my folds again. He groaned, looking down at me with creased eyebrows.

I couldn't help but just give him a small smile, it was addictive seeing him become so undone because of me.

"Please noona" he moaned out, leaning forward to nuzzle his head into my neck.

"What do you want?" I asked, rubbing one hand up and down his spine.

"I want to be inside you" he breathed into my neck.

I moved my head to the side so I could plant a kiss into his temple, which he took the next step in arching his hips back and angled himself at my entrance, and pushed in. We both sucked in a quick breath, with him still nuzzling my neck.

A minute later, the sounds of Jimin's hard thrusting was filling the room, along with my breathless moaning and Jimin's groans as he had leant back up to look down at me.

Behind him, I could see Jin at the end of the sofa, sucking in his bottom lip tightly, while watching us.

I cried out as Jimin put both of my legs together and turned my on my side, facing towards the TV in front of us.

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