𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐲-𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

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"Where were we?" Hobi said behind us, reaching up to smack at my ass as I grinned.

JK slowly put me down onto the sun lounger, Hobi giving me a smirk over JK's broad shoulders, as I led down, my hair flaring around the sun bed. We all crowded with one another, as Jimin and Yoongi sat on the bed right next to us, Jimin's eyes were already longing for me.

"Are you looking forward to it sunshine?" Hobi asked as Jin and Joonie went to the sun bed on our left, sitting down comfortably. Jin's eyes were set right on me, not missing a second.

"Always" I breathed out, arching my hips so JK could push up my floating summer dress, but instead of taking it off me his hands travelled to my skimpy underwear. It was an expensive pair that Jin brought me.

An intense pair of eyes were staring down at me from the left of JK, Tae's gaze was struck on me and I instantly reached for him. JK smiled up at me as he lowered himself, peeling my underwear away from my legs, his shoulders forcing my legs open. Tae quickly came over, leaning next to me on the bed, and pulled up my low cut dress, and flung it at Jimin beside us who gave a breathless smile at Tae.

Laying leisurely back onto the lounger completely naked, I know they're hungry from the lustful stares each man is giving me, with an air kiss motioned towards Tae he leans in, kissing me as his hand slowly raises to skim my nipple, hardening at the shallow contact, Tae then lowered his hand to my needy pussy.

Touching my outer lips I couldn't help but whine, a soft airy snicker left his mouth before the pad of his middle finger lingered on my clit, circling so agonisingly slow.

"Please," I whimpered, barely a sound pushing through my throat, "please"

"Mmm Princess, I love it when you beg" Tae whispered as his fingers began to move through my slit and inside me, penetrating my pussy and rubbing my sensual spot before slipping them out to suck them.

"Isn't she perfect?" Taehyung opened my labia to display my soaking wet pussy to the others.

"So perfect, puffy and pink, I think she's ready," JK licks his lips after seeing my arousal, "I want to taste you" JK moves around to the bottom of the sun lounger, holding my thighs clasped in his big hands, inching his face slowly toward my pussy.

I feel him suck hard on my clit and it makes my body jolt from the sensitivity caused by Taehyung's fingers. With a flat tongue JK strokes my slit before entering it into the hole.

His nose nuzzles my clit and my senses are heightened from the sweet assault as Tae sucks my breasts almost raw, and the sting was sending shockwaves to my core. the clamp of his hands is harsh as JK laps up my juices like the last drop in the desert. Tae rolls me onto my side as JK moves back to facing me again, hooking one of my legs over his hip as Tae plunges his fingers inside me to gather up my release into his hand, and I feel him spread it around my asshole. With a soft finger he pushes lightly at first, massaging the hole to prepare me for insertion. Breaching the rim with a tip of a finger he continues to massage, engaging in a small prodding to add an additional finger, opening me, he begins to scissor his fingers lightly.

"Are you ready Princess?"

"Mmhmm yes" Lifting my leg from his hip to his shoulder, JK strokes himself before watching himself divulge into my folds, bottoming out, he's so deep, his pleasurable sigh brushes against my face.

Spreading my ass cheeks apart, Tae then brushes the tip of his cock against my ass, slipping in gently an inch at a time before being fully saturated inside me.

"The lube is here if you need it" Jin's voice was low as he spoke.

"She's so wet, we don't need it right now" Tae breathed out huskily.

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