𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐒𝐢𝐱

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As soon as I got through our front door, I tugged off my heels.

"Water or coffee, kitten?" Yoongi asked.

"Water please" I replied. He was most likely staying up for a bit if he was having coffee this late. It wasn't like we had anything planned for tomorrow.

Jimin knew he had messed up, as he sobered up and sat on the sofa, leaning forward on his hands staring at the glossy floor. Hobi ruffled his hair playfully as he walked past, taking off his suit jacket. I looked over at Joonie who was doing the same, putting it on the back of one of the dining chairs, and we caught eyes. He gave me a slow smile, and I nodded towards Jiminie. He gave me a quick nod before going into the kitchen and taking a water bottle from the fridge as Yoongi passed him another one for me as he started on his coffee.

JK and Tae were quietly chatting as they both pulled off their jackets, and shirts, which made my mind go blank for a few seconds. I went over and sat next to Jimin. I knew he had messed up, but it doesn't mean I wouldn't comfort him.

He leant into my neck as I put my hand on his back.

"I'm sorry noona. I wasn't thinking" he mumbled.

"It doesn't bother me baby, but you need to think of the amount of people that are there that saw that" I started, and then looked over at Joonie.

He sat down near to Jimin, and patted his knee, "I'm not annoyed, Jiminie. It's the same as what Layla said, you need to think about the people that saw that. You pretty much hugging her from behind with your chin on her shoulder? That's more than what any one of them would do with their staff"

"It's just," Jimin began, pausing to collect himself, "I could see it in Felix's eyes"

I creased my eyebrows together.

"See what?" JK asked as he sat down next to Joonie, catching my gaze as I ran it down his naked chest.

"That he found her attractive" Jimin said quietly.

I smiled as Jin gave a quick laugh, "Jiminie, if we got all territorial over every passing look they gave Layla, we would have been there all night"

Tae chuckled darkly, making me remember when the female idol member was touching his arm. I couldn't blame her, but he is mine.

"You need to remember that we can't do that. As much as I would love to just show them all that Layla is ours, we can't" Joonie added softly.

Everyone was quiet then, and I sighed.

"At least some of our families know, and others will do soon" Hobi tried to lighten the mood.

I gave him a little smile, he was our mood lifter in times like this. Slowly, our group started splitting up to either go to their studios like Yoongi, or to their bedrooms. I went into my bedroom with Jimin following me, and turned to give him a cuddle as we got into my room. He nuzzled into me when I heard somebody walk right next to my open bedroom door.

I hadn't forgotten what Tae said earlier before we left for the wrap party, and my heart gave a little flutter as I gazed over his naked torso, he only had on the black smart trousers, the belt loosened and hanging around his groin. He glanced at Jimin, and gave him a soft smile.

"I'm going to fuck our girlfriend Jiminie, are you joining?" Tae asked quietly. I knew he was asking because of the mood Jimin was in, he might not have wanted to join.

Instantly Jimin's cheeks flushed, "I was actually just about to take a shower"

Tae's lips grew into a wide smile as came over and took me by my hand and pulled me away, "perfect"

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