𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐎𝐧𝐞

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It was decided that nothing would be said.

As much as that didn't seem right, there was other factors that we had to think about. None of our families knew about us, and Army's really were trying their best to stop the photos from circling around but it was useless, American articles had already started sharing the photos. It wasn't just Korea we had to worry about. It was the whole world. So there was no point in trying to calm the damage, because it was already out there. It wasn't just some silly photos like the last article, this was open displays of affection.

Again I was grateful all we done was touch each other lightly that day. That was one of the main reasons why the boys and I decided to let it go, because if they were ever asked about it, they could play it off. Although none were happy with that. But right now it was not the best time to confirm anything because we had to put our families first.

We rest of the day was a blur of phone calls for the boys, and I knew my phone call would come later on, when my step-Dad would wake up for the morning. Or whenever Lily, his soon to be step-daughter would tell him. Maybe I should tell him first?

I send a quick text to call me when he woke up.

We all discussed quickly before the boys got back to their families, on how we were going to do this. Jin decided to just tell his family, since he would not get to see them during the break next weekend since he would be with me. He told them over video call, and his Mum was slightly surprised but his Dad started chuckling, saying it's amazing how times are modernising. They talked for a while, him explaining how this has been going on for two years. We all made sure this was going to work, and it had been perfect since the beginning.

His Mum asked a few serious questions though.

How marriage and children would work.

It did make me pause, and Jin looked at me behind the phone before answering.

"That's a bridge we will cross when we come to it. Right now, we are perfectly happy, all together" Jin said, smiling at the phone.

"I would be happy for you also son, if it was more than just a family relationship with your younger brothers" his Mum's voice said back.

I couldn't help but smile. What a wonderful woman. Jin chuckled once, "I love them all, but not in that way. Their dynamics are what makes this work so well, we all look after one another. Some more so than others, they don't listen to their eldest hyung"

JK's loud thigh slap made us chuckle quietly, Jimin leaning into my side. We had pulled cushions to sit on the floor, making us more comfortable and Sejin had delivered water for us all as him and Si-hyuk talked quietly on a table and chairs at the back of the room, with the other important members of the team.

Joonie also had no choice but to explain to his parents right now also, because he wouldn't get time to see them before we went away. But before he done that, the other five men made quick phone calls to their Mum's saying how they are coming home next weekend. They said how they couldn't explain the photos yet, but will do. Yoongi just text his Mum.

We watched as Joonie stared at his phone before calling his Mum back, also video calling her.

He ran his index finger over the side of his jaw and then smiled at his phone as his Mum picked up the phone. His Dad wasn't there though but she said she could tell him later if Joonie was in a rush. She had already rang three times. It was like she knew exactly what he was going to say. I had met his Mum quite a few times and each time she was always aware on how close Joonie would stand near me, because he was relaxed. We never fully put up our guards around our parents. Even Hobi done the same with me, and sometimes he had even put his hand over my shoulders around his sister.

"I am in a relationship with Layla" Joonie quickly said, and pursed his lips together in a straight line for a smile.

"Your Father owes me a foot rub" she muttered.

That made every single person in the room laugh, even the boss man behind us. We heard the laughter coming from the phone also, and after we quietened, she spoke again.

"You've got more to tell us though, don't you son?" She asked.

He nodded, "all seven of us are with her, it's called a polyamorous relationship, where multiple people are together"

"Yeah I knew of them, I'm happy for you all. You seem to all work well together" she replied, and I could hear the smile in her voice.

You could see how relaxed and happy Jin and Joonie were in this moment, JK was getting the brunt end of Jin's playful mood. We decided to go home, the boys were in no mood from being mentally tired over these last few hours. Just as we got inside our front door, my phone started ringing.

I had almost forgot. The good mood spreads easily amongst us. My stomach plummeted as I saw Adam's name.

Tae rubbed my back as he passed me, the men going into the living room so I could have some space in the kitchen.


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