𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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That evening, all of us drank by the deck, over looking the ocean right in front of us. It was a perfect moment, that I'm sure I would remember forever.

I woke in the morning to smell of food cooking drifting down the hallways to the six bedrooms. I was obviously sleeping wherever, while Tae and JK slept together in another room.

Jimin was curved right behind me, his arms and legs hanging over me. I rolled onto my back, looking ahead of me at the shutters that started to roll up, since I had pressed the remote just beside me on the bedside unit.

I couldn't help but just stare at the glittering ocean from the sun already beating down on it, giving off motions that just made me want to jump right into it. You could just make out another island, in the distance.

Then I saw Joon come into view, he had swimming trunks on, and a book in his hand which he chucked gently onto a sun lounger, by the infinity pool we had.

As he stretched, he turned and saw me through the large windows, and gave me a big smile.

Jimin started moving around, his hand drifting away from my stomach as he rolled onto his back, as he opened his eyes he squinted at the sunlight, and gave me a little smile as he pressed his lips to my shoulder.

"Hi baby boy" I said quietly.

His answer was to roll right on top of me, making me giggle as I had to spread my legs to let him in between them, and wrapped my arms over his shoulders.

Then I couldn't help but bite my lip as he started kissing my neck in soft kisses, travelling down to my bare neck, since I slept completely naked, from how hot it was even though we had the AC on.

I could feel Jimin's growth pressing into the inside of my thigh, and then he made his way past my breasts, as his full lips carried on pressing light kisses on my stomach.

The pressure was building in my groin, once his head went in between my legs, taking the sheet down with him. He kicked it away, so it went down to his hips, so it wasn't covering him.

His hands went to the back of my knees, pulling them back slightly as his tongue went right into my core, making me gasp and arch my back.

"Fuck" I grunted, my jaw snapping together.

Jimin had always been amazing with his tongue.

"Breakfast is up!" We heard being shouted down the hallway, by Jin.

My hand reached down to grasp at Jimin's blonde hair, as he pushed himself further into me. I moaned, closing my eyes briefly.

I heard something by the door way, and just saw Yoongi turning his back with a smile on his face, walking away from us, "they are busy"

Jimin chuckled in between my legs, making me smile, and then gasp once more as I was already building, my mind was going slightly cloudy. Then I felt him enter two fingers inside of me, as his tongue moved up to my clit, making me jolt.

I cried out as I released, taking heavy breaths.

Jimin made his way back up my stomach and chest, until he nuzzled into my neck, and I pressed my lips against his temple.

"Fuck me, baby" I breathed out, still getting over the pleasure of waves.

Jimin arched his hips forward, as I brought my knees back, and he slid in perfectly, from how I was already so wet. He moaned into my ear, sending a shiver down my spine.

My hand came over to go at the bottom of his throat, making him lean back so I could look at him. His eyes were half shut, as his full lips were parted, with a tongue running along his top lip.

He began thrusting hard right away, making me suck in a few deep breaths, and my eyes roll back as I let myself relax back into the pillow under my head.

"Oh my god noona" Jimin breathed out, now leaning up, going back on his legs.

His eyes drifted down my body as his hands gripped at my waist.

After a few minutes, I tugged my left leg up, and pushed his chest with my foot, Jimin knew right away what I was meaning with my action.

He fell onto the bed next to me, heavily breathing. I smirked at him as I leant up, and hooked my leg over his waist and settled down on him, putting my palms on his chest, by his tattoo.

I leant down slowly and pressed my lips on his, and I felt his hand slide up my back, leaving a trail of goosebumps on my skin.

As I arched my hips forward, with his other hand he leant under me and lined up his cock, as I slid back down on him.

We moaned into each other's mouths as I slowly began rocking my hips, until I leant back up to look down at his flushed expression. I ran my hand up his chest, to cup at the bottom of his neck, as his eyes shut briefly.

I was building, and fast. Jimin knew this as he could tell by my breathing, and he held onto my hips, and tilted me forward with his pelvis as my hands rested on his chest, and began thrusting into me at a rate that made me breathless.

We released together after a few seconds, and my eyes were shut as my mouth was open, and my arms wrapped around his shoulders as leant up, to push himself into me.

After our breathing had calmed down slightly, I heard him chuckle, as he looked over my shoulder.

With a deep breath, I leant back to look at him looking past me. I turned my head, and then couldn't help but also laugh.

Tae and Hobi were pretending to make out with one another, right in front of the window. Tae tilted Hobi back with his hands, making them both break character and begin laughing.

We joined in laughing, as Jimin fell forward, making us both collapse onto the bed.

A handful of hours later, I was relaxing on the sun lounger, in my white bikini. I was happily watching the boys around me, as Joonie was nose deep into a book in front of me. JK was doing press ups near to me, making it very good eye candy.

Jimin and Jin were playing ping pong, with Tae watching.

Yoongi was sat in the shade near the doors to the house, on his laptop. Hobi was leant over his shoulder, as they talked quietly about whatever Yoongi was doing.

I felt quite hot, the sun was beaming down on us and I knew I needed a break from it. I got up and went down the steps to get closer to the ocean water, and then sat on the edge and put my feet into the cool water.

Legs came either side of me, and I could tell just by the thighs that it was JK.

"Want to come in with me baby?" He asked.

I nodded, "sure"

His arm wrapped around my waist as he pulled me up to his chest, and edged us forward. The temperature of the water wasn't as cold as I expected it to be, but it was still a relief from the humidity around us.

I wrapped myself around JK as he kept one hand on the deck, so he didn't use any effort in keeping the both of us above the water.

He smiled gently as he looked down at me, and I leant in quickly for a kiss.

I heard somebody walk near to us, and just as I looked away from JK, I saw Jin jump right into the ocean, splashing the both us.

Jin's laugh was the loudest as he resurfaced, and JK playfully splashed at him as I grinned over at Jin.


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