𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞

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JK walked over to me, and offered his hand to get up, and I was pulled into his chest. Before I knew it, I was being pulled back to the sofa to the right of us, as JK bent down to pick me up, I giggled into his arms as he sat me down on the dark grey sofa, moving the pillow out of the way.

I looked behind JK to see Joonie pulling on his bottoms again, and gave me a wink before turning his chair back around to look at the monitor, and he glanced to his left, just in time for JK to tug at Jimin's shirt I had on, and then pulling it away from my head.

A large breath left my lips as JK pushed me back, grabbing the back of my knees and pinning my thighs back. With one hand he pulled my underwear to the side, and dragged his tongue along my folds.

I loud breathless moan left my mouth, and just as I opened my eyes from closing them briefly, I saw in movement in the doorway to my right.

Yoongi leant against the frame, and crossed his arms. He gave me a slow smirk, as I had to lean my head back from the pleasure JK's tongue was giving me.

My hand shot up to grab his long hair, it was all tied up in a loose bun, his undercut was exposed either side of his head.

"Namjoon," Yoongi called out, making Joonie turn around in his chair again, "record the sounds she's making"

I rose my eyebrows, before seeing the smile between the both of them, and then even saw JK raise his eyebrow at me as I looked in between my legs. I whimpered slightly, he was so good with his tongue.

Joonie quickly came over with this recording mic, putting it on the sofa beside me, before going back over to his chair.

I ignored that it was there as I only concentrated on JK, and just before my legs started to shake, he pulled his mouth away from me and arched his back up straight. I was breathing heavily as I watched him pull down his cargo bottoms, and black boxers, seeing his long cock.

He bent down and kissed me, as he pushed himself inside of me. I moaned against his lips, as I wrapped one hand over his strong back.

"So tight, baby" JK whispered out onto my lips as he pulled away.

Then, all we heard for a few minutes was the sound of our heavy breathing, the moans from the both of us, as JK gripped hold of my waist, I cried out as I came around his cock. He continued to thrust hard into me, making my vision go cloudy for a second, as I gasped in breaths.

"Fuck" JK breathed out, poking his tongue out in between in teeth as he released inside of me.

I flashed a smile at JK before reaching over, and pulling his shirt, making him come down to kiss me again.

"I love you" I muttered in between kisses.

"I love you too, baby" JK replied, letting my body relax down on the sofa.

It was getting late into the evening now, and I was playing on my phone, in the living room, laying back against Yoongi, and my legs were over Jimin's lap as he had his hand sprawled up against my stomach, I was holding onto his index finger, as my other hand was pressed into Tae's hair that was in front of me as he was sat on the floor.

It was normally about this time we would split up to go to sleep, or do their own things for an hour or so, before getting into bed. And it was like we all sensed it, as we all got up around the same time, as I went into the kitchen and grabbed a water.

Jin reached past me to grab a drink also, pressing his lips against my temple quickly, "want to sleep with me baby girl?"

I nodded, giving him a little smile.

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