𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐎𝐧𝐞

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As Thursday came, I spent the evening packing since I knew we had to leave tomorrow evening right after dinner, to catch an over night flight. Nerves were bubbling in my stomach, and it didn't help when Hobi wondered into my closest giving me a little smile.

"So... my sister's here" he said quietly.

I shot him a look.

The little smile turned into a grin, "I know. I'm sorry, she's in Seoul, and is bugging me to tell her when I'm free since I'm not seeing her at the weekend"

I glanced down at my over sized t-shirt like I normally wore when home, and then touched my hair that was thrown up messily on top of my head. I had already washed and creamed my face for the evening. Hobi sensed what I was thinking and gave me a warm smile.

"You look beautiful sunshine. Just put on some bottoms, your ass always shows when you bend over. Not that I'm complaining" he added, smirking.

I rolled my eyes, standing up. And then squeaked as Hobi was in front of me, and a hand came back and grabbed at the messy hair at the back of my head, turning my head to look up at him as my jaw popped open.

"Careful, my sunshine" he breathed out, lowering his nose to brush across mine.

I stifled a smile, and leant forward to press my lips to his in a quick kiss. His other had came around and smacked at my ass, and grabbed a handful of it before letting me go.

"Is she here already?" I asked.

Hobi shook his head, "she's on her way, it'll only be a quick one since it's getting late, but she's not going to make it back home by Saturday"

I nodded, "it's ok, I just wish I was a bit more put together"

"Trust me, you look beautiful" he said before pecking me on the cheek on leaving me to it.

I quickly pulled on some black leggings, threw off the top and put on a bra with a clean t-shirt and brushed my hair before putting it back up a loose pony tail. I heard the iPad chime from my bedroom, and my heart gave a little thump. I went to my back window and saw the bright red car driving down our driveway from the gates, and gave a deep breath. I thought to give Hobi a few minutes to actually tell his sister, rather than just walk downstairs and her see me.

"You ok princess?" I heard Tae, and turned to see him smiling at me from the doorway.

"I should give Hobi a few minutes to actually tell her, shouldn't I?" I wondered.

Tae walked slowly over to me, putting an arm over my shoulders as he kissed my forehead, "if that makes you comfortable"

I nestled under his chin, and stayed for a few minutes, wondering when I should actually go downstairs. I hadn't ever met parents, in any of the relationships I had before these men. And here I was having to eventually meet several sets of families, officially. The handful of times I had met Ji-woo, she was incredibly nice and like Hobi with her bright personality.

"Sunshine?" I heard my nickname being called.

Tae rubbed my back as he took hold off my hand, leading me out of me out the bedroom.

Ji-woo grinned at me, as soon as I came into view at the top of the stairs. They were all in the living room, including the others boys. They all looked relaxed, proving how easy the conversation must have went. She came right over to me, giving me a quick hug before Hobi pulled me against his side.

"Well done to you for putting up with these lot for two years" Ji-woo said, her grin matching her brothers.

I smiled, "it's a tough job"

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