𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐲-𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞

4K 227 39

It was the evening by the time we heard anything from Sejin, Joonie put him on loudspeaker as we ate around the dining table, after ordering take out. Not one of us were in the mood to make dinner.

"So we've got some information, we've pieced it together. I think they managed to find out who Ethan is from Lily, all of their social media is open. The news outlet done their own digging, as soon as the airport pictures came out. They looked at the most recent flights that had landed, and London was obviously one of them. Layla's step Dad has openly said how proud he is of her on his instagram account, the fan base know that her step Dad is a pilot because that's public knowledge from him being such a high rank. So yes, they were very clever in digging" Sejin said, all of us paying attention.

I shook my head while sighing, "it's fucking ridiculous"

"So they went for one that wasn't overly connected to the family, but enough to be in the inner circle" Joonie muttered.

"I think so" Sejin replied.

"Well, if they had tried Joan or Lily, they would have just told us about it" I said, making a few of the men nod at me.

"Do we know how much they are offering to Ethan?"Jin asked.

"Not yet" Sejin replied.

"I'm sure I can try and ask Lily to find that out" I wondered.

Jin pursed his lips, "we could always offer a counter to him, more money"

Yoongi shifted his weight in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest, "that just seems fucked up, paying him to keep quiet"

I shrugged my shoulder, and then grit my teeth, that was a stupid thing to do. Tae rubbed his hand up and down my forearm, watching my reaction. I took a deep breath, "it seems all about the money to him. If we came with a better offer and for him to have to sign a NDA, wouldn't that be better?"

"Or I'll just go to London and punch him in the throat" Yoongi mumbled, making Hobi chuckle.

"Just try and not worry about it guys, we are handling it. I know it's easier said than done, but we will see you tomorrow ok?" Sejin's voice cut in.

Joonie said bye and put his phone back beside him.

"He's right, there is no point worrying when there isn't anything we can do about it right now. Layla can you text Lily though please?" Joonie asked.

I nodded, doing it right away asking if she could find out how much he was offered. It was the middle of the night in the UK, but I'm sure Lily would reply as soon as she woke up. JK was still very much dazed out beside Hobi opposite me, he was picking at his fingers and chewing on the inside of his lip. After we all cleaned up, the majority of us settled on the sofa and Tae put on a movie, trying to give us something to watch.

The three eldest disappeared half way through the movie, and JK said he was going to go work out again. Hobi followed him, to keep him company and he'd most likely do some dance practice while he was up there.

It was nearing the time I would normally go upstairs, so I went into the kitchen out of Tae's lap, and took my medication and a bottle of water, when my phone vibrated on the counter next to me.

Hi, I've just woken up. He's text me one more time saying how much he's getting which is 300k. He still needs to tell them he's side of the story to confirm he actually saw you and the boys, he said it was clear that you were together. He has said sorry again but I've ignored him now unless you need me to talk to him x

Thanks Lily. I'm sorry that all of this has happened x

You have no need to be sorry it's my exes fault for doing this. All you were doing was meeting your step-dads fiancé and daughter! x

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