𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐢𝐱𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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"She's going to be fine, Jiminie. Calm down" I heard a voice that I knew well, it was Yoongi.

As I opened my eyes, my body felt quite sore as I took a deep breath.

"Princess" I heard Tae, and then saw him push himself off from the chair he was sitting on, just to my right. He came right over to me and took my hand in his, and put my knuckles up to his full lips.

I glanced past him, and saw Jin who had Jimin in his side, who were both looking at me. Jin gave me a soft smile, as Jimin wiped his eyes with the back of his hand.

I couldn't help but offer my other hand, looking at Jimin who quickly came over to me, and sat on the edge of my bed, taking my hand in his.

Jin moved closer to us, as I looked up at him waiting for him to talk.

"You are ok baby girl. Joonie's gone to get your Doctor" he smiled.

I nodded, and thought on how dry my throat was as I smacked my lips.

I noticed Yoongi who was on my left with JK, who was looking very nervous. Yoongi reached over and gave me the small cup of water, leaning the bed up with the control.

After a few sips, I passed it back to him and took another deep breath.

Hobi was standing at the end of the bed, just watching me. As we looked at one another, his hand went down and wrapped around my ankle, giving it a squeeze.

The door opened, and Joonie came back in with a tall man, wearing a white coat.

The man gave me a smile, and looked around the room nodding at them all, "Good afternoon, Layla. I'm your Doctor, you can call me Lance"

I offered a small smile, none of the boys moved away from me, Tae and Jimin still were holding onto my hands as Jimin had taken it back after I drank some water.

"Are you feeling better?" Lance asked.

"I think so" I said, trying to pin point any pain or weird sensations in my body.

He gave me a smile, "so the implant that you had in, got infected underneath your skin. We've had to take it out, and we've given you a large course of antibiotics, that have already started working as your temperature is within the normal range"

I rose an eyebrow.

"So I'm not on any birth control? Was it even working?" I asked quickly.

"We took the liberty of doing a blood test, to search for the hormones the implant give out to stop ovulation, and they were present, which means it was working" he said, looking at me.

I took a sigh of relief, and Hobi smiled at me at the end of the bed, next to the Doctor.

"But no, you are not on any birth control right now. Once you get home, I suggest that you go to your Doctors to get another form of birth control. It is safe to use the implant again, it was a fluke that it got infected, it doesn't mean that the implant is not safe to use" Lance breathed out, and I nodded at the end.

"I just prefer the implant. It's something that I don't need to worry about once it's in my arm" I muttered.

My body definitely felt sore, as I adjusted myself in the bed. I looked down at my arm, that had a white bandage around it.

The Doctor nodded his head at me, "whatever you are comfortable with"

"But why did I feel so ill just from an infection?" I wondered.

Lance cleared his throat, glancing to the men around me. JK took a large breath, looking down at the floor.

"You were so unwell, because it was leading towards sepsis. But thankfully we caught it in time" he said quietly.

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