𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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As we ate around the table outside, overlooking the ocean in front of us, I had to wipe my brow from the sweat that was covering it. It was still so hot.

"You ok little?" Joonie asked from next to me.

I nodded, "it's just hot"

I didn't have much of an appetite.

I left the boys to eat, getting up and going for a shower in Yoongi's room, since this is where my suitcase was. I had to turn the temperature down in the shower, and took my time in there.

With a sigh, I wondered if it was just how hot this place was, and that I couldn't handle this type of heat.

"Kitten?" I heard Yoongi call from the other side of the shower.

I opened the door, and saw him give me a soft smile.

He burrowed his eyebrows, and reached it to touch the water that was flowing down my back, "fucking hell, that's freezing. Get out"

I shook my head, "it's not that cold"

Yoongi pursed his lips, and he looked over my body, it wasn't anything remotely sexual, I could see him wondering if there was anything wrong with me.

"I'm fine baby, this place is just really hot" I breathed out.

"Please get out for me" he said quietly, reaching behind him and grabbing a large fluffy white towel.

I done as he asked, and he pulled me into his chest as he wrapped the towel around me, and I heard him take a deep breath.

"Do you have heat stroke?" He asked.

"I have no idea. I haven't spend that much time in the sun" I replied, as he led me into the bedroom.

I grabbed a pair of underwear and a loose tank top to throw on, before tying my wet hair up in a bun.

"I'm going to get you some water" Yoongi said, before leaving the room.

I sat down on the bed, and let myself fall back onto the sheet, as I looked out at the view in front of me. I definitely didn't feel great, and I was quite tired.

A few seconds later, Yoongi and Jin came into the room. Jin knelt down in front of me beside the bed, and put his hand on my forehead, and then pouted at me.

"You are hot, baby girl" he muttered.

I stifled a smile, and he rolled his eyes at me with a small smile.

"I'm tired" I breathed out.

Yoongi sat down beside me, and passed me a water bottle, making me lean up to drink it.

They were both just looking at me, and I smiled as I twisted the lid back on the bottle, putting it on the unit beside me, "I'm ok honestly"

Jin looked over at Yoongi, who didn't looked convinced at all.

"I'm just going to go to sleep. I'll be fine in the morning" I said, reaching over and cupping at Yoongi's cheek.

They both were not happy with leaving me, and just as I started to fall asleep, still on top of the sheet with my leg hitched up to the side, I felt the bed move as somebody sat down next to me.

I felt the hand go over my forehead as they reached around me, and then I heard the sigh.

I then heard the pages being turned on a book, and I smiled gently, knowing on who that was beside me.

The next time I opened my eyes, I had to take a deep breath as my eyes adjusted in the darkness.

I leant up, feeling my sticky skin from the sweat.

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