𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

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Joan waved at us from the doorway as we drove up their driveway.

"She's a very cheerful woman isn't she?" Jin muttered as we got out of the car.

"Enthusiastic" I added, him smiling at me.

She ushered us inside, asking if we wanted anything to eat.

"That's ok thank you, we ate before leaving the hotel" I answered with a smile.

She nodded, "I hope the journey back goes fast. I could handle, say a four hour flight, but not a twelve hour one"

"I understand. They are quite boring towards the end, but we are used to them" I breathed out as we got into the living area where Adam greeted us.

"I bet you are. I'll have to see if I can pilot one of your flights when you are next on tour, let me know" Adam said.

"Sure, we don't tour for another few months yet, but I'll ask my manager to send you a flight list" Joonie smiled, clearly touched that he had even thought of that. It would be a nice way for the others to get to know Adam.

"Great stuff. Is there anything you guys need before going?" Adam asked going towards the kitchen, "do you want some smoothies for the car journey? Joan made them fresh this morning"

We watched as he took out a large jug of thick pink liquid, and honestly it looked great. It reminded me of Yoongi, "they look great, yes please"

Joan beamed as she went out and got three travel mugs, "don't worry about these mugs, just throw them away. I bulk order them as your Dad likes to take them on flights, and forgets them all the time"

Adam rolled his eyes playfully as me. I found my chest warming at the fact Joan referred to Adam as my Dad. While I knew I had my own Dad, but Adam was the only Father I had known. We chatted for about fifteen minutes, before Joonie gently nudged the small of my back, letting me know it was time to go. Jin sensed me getting ready to say something and got off the bar stool, standing beside me.

"We've got to go, gotta allow time for traffic" I smiled, looking between Adam and Joan.

She pouted, coming over me hugging all three of us again. Adam gave me hug, and shook the men's hands, "looking forward to seeing you all again. Love, you know where I am, ok?"

I smiled, patting his forearm.

A handful of hours later, we had been on the plane for a short while. I kept glancing at my phone, because the boys would be waking up soon, if they weren't already awake. Yoongi and Tae would be landing about six hours before us, and then Jimin and JK an hour or so after them, Hobi was already back at home and he had wrote in the group chat on how strange it was being home alone.

I wanted to make sure JK and Jimin were ok.

A few restless hours later where I busied myself in doing some work for my clothing brand, and checking any dead lines coming up. The boys had a two day shoot this week for the next album, but the clothes had been ready for a while for that so it was just a case of making sure they were being collected to go to the shoot. We would be landing in the early afternoon in Korean time, which meant we had the rest of the day to ourselves, before back to normal tomorrow.

We were served dinner, and afterwards I put a cheesy movie on. Jin watched it with me, since he was in the seat beside me. And when my phone vibrated on the tray, I picked it up immediately.

I miss you noona. Jungkookie is ok, I think. We've just go to the airport, and we both can't wait to see you. His parents had another talk with him before we left, but I didn't go in with him, just stayed in the car. I love you

I miss you too baby boy. Not long to go. Give Kook a cuddle for me. I love you

I showed Jin the message and he sighed, "he isn't replying to my messages, which isn't anything unusual, but I just want to make sure he's ok"

I nodded, agreeing with him.

Shortly afterwards, I fell asleep thinking of my youngest man. My dream was vivid, about JK not even returning home to the house, and as I woke I knew that put me in a darkened mood. Jin reached over to smooth the hair away from my face as I glared at nothing in particular. I asked him how long we had left, hoping it was shorter than I expected it to be.

"Five hours, baby girl" he smiled gently.

I pursed the side of my lip, I suppose it was better than six.

Joonie was asleep on the window seat next to me across the small aisle, so I left him be.

"Yoongi and Tae left the airport about ten minutes ago, so Hobi won't be alone for much longer" Jin breathed out.

I smiled, we were all nearly back together. At least the next time we had to go the UK back for Adam and Joan's wedding, all of the boys would be with me.

"How long until Jimin and JK land?" I wondered.

"Um, I think an hour" Jin replied.

I was restless. I decided to get up and walk around, going into the first class bar area for more leg room. The man behind the bar gave me a friendly smile and I returned it.

"Always a good thing to stretch your legs on a long flight" he said.

I nodded, "I agree"

"Drink, Madame?" He asked.

"I'm ok thank you" I breathed out, and he nodded at me and left me be.

I wasted time on my phone, still pacing around when a text came through from Sejin, you could tell it was a message that he had sent to all three of Joonie, Jin and I from how the new group chat came up.

I've just collected Jimin and JK, there are cameras there and got shots of them. Be careful when leaving, because there isn't anything I can do to hide you in a public place like that. Hopefully they will disappear by the time you land.

I groaned, of course there were cameras.

How did they know the boys were there?

Word spreads easily. Wouldn't be surprised if Yoongi and Tae gave them a clue from arriving first, even though they didn't get caught.

I sighed, making my way back to Jin. I wanted this flight to be over with already.


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