𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐓𝐰𝐨

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"They definitely heard the laugh, and then a muffled voice of someone, that was Tae but they don't know that" Joon breathed out as he stood in front of us all, the other boys had come down from upstairs, getting the same text from Sejin.

I went on my phone, checking twitter.

Joonie's live was trending, like normal each time they went live, but as I read through the comments, most of them were talking about the laugh of a girl when Yoongi answered the phone.

A played the clip back, and you could hear it was a very clear giggle, and then a mumbling voice, that we obviously knew was Tae. Then Joon quickly said that he was live with Army, and for Yoongi to say hello.

I took a deep breath, and looked over at the men around me, who were all on their phones also.

"It's fine, they can't tell who it was by that. I'm seeing a lot of the fans talking about how they are allowed to have female friends" I said, looking back down at my phone.

They were all still quiet before Jin looked up, "we can't change it, so lets move on"

"I'm hungry" JK breathed out, leaning on me slightly.

"Somethings never change" I muttered.

JK grinned.

"I've ordered the food" Jin said, putting his phone down.

I could feel that they were all worried about this, but it was true in the fact that they can't tell who the laugh belonged to, and I'm sure it'll blow over after a few days.

"It was only a laugh, nothing more. Please don't worry about it" I said, looking at Yoongi who was the one that looked the most concerned.

He gave me a side smile, that wasn't at all convincing. I got up and took the few steps to him, and got into his lap, leaning my head on his chest as he put his phone down and wrapped his arms around me.

We stayed like that until our food arrived.

Hobi and Yoongi were quietly talking with one another as they cleaned up after us all, I turned my head on the sofa to watch the both of them as I was leant back on Joonie, he had his arms around me and his phone resting on my stomach as he scrolled through stuff on Twitter.

"I thought Yoongi was upstairs, that's why I called him. Army was asking for me to call on the members" Joonie said into my ear.

I squeezed my hand that was on his thigh, "it's nobodies fault"

The weekend came around a lot quicker than expected, and we were all up early to get ready for the first award show over the next two weeks. My phone was already going off from my team already arriving at the venue, setting up the dressing room.

I was in the car with Tae, Yoongi and Jin when we arrived, and there was already many fans and photographers around, which didn't surprise me. I waited until the boys went first, until I was ushered out myself.

The boys went straight to do a rehearsal, while I went to the dressing rooms. There was a quiet that fell upon the main room where all of the groups would come and get food from, as we walked through it. I recognised some of the other kpop grounds, and they all bowed their heads at me with a smile as I done one back.

My staff had already hung up their outfits, and I settled into the corner with my laptop, catching up on a few emails from yesterday before I went and grabbed a fresh coffee. Once more I knew I was being stared at, like normal whenever many kpop groups were in the same place. It was obvious in how much BTS was now respected on being on top of their game, and had been for around five years, they were untouchable.

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