𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐢𝐱

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I pushed my thighs together, holding back the feeling that shot right to my groin.

Hobi walked us forward, his lips running down my neck, until we hit the back of the sofa.

I felt his hand slide down my hips, and across my stomach before it slid down into my underwear. My back arched back, as I done a large sigh, leaning my head into his collar bone.

"You are ours, aren't you?" He muttered into my ear.

I moaned as an answer, before his fingers were taken out of my underwear. His hands went either side of my underwear and pulled them down quickly, and I flicked them off my leg.

I was aware that the men around us were coming to sit on the sofa in front of us.

"JK, grab her a hair band, the lube and towels please" Jin breathed out, making me open my eyes to look in front of me.

JK was gone within seconds, jogging upstairs.

Hobi's hand slapped at my ass, as I gasped and my hands shot forward to grip the back of the sofa. Jimin was to my left, near enough to touch.

As I bent over, hearing the sounds of Hobi pulling off his wet boxers, I reached over my hand and cupped at Jimin's cheek, he leant into it and kissed my palm.

I moaned as I felt Hobi enter me, and as I lowered my head on the sofa, my hair fell in front of my face.

After a minute, I felt Hobi's hand grip at the base of my head, and tug my hair back. I whimpered lightly, as he picked up his pace. Tae was to my right, as he reached over, putting his large hand on my cheek, turning me to look at him.

My eyes shut briefly from the pleasure, before I felt him put his thumb in between my lips, and I put slight pressure from my teeth on his skin.

"I fucking love your mouth, princess" Tae breathed out, eyes wide.

I moaned as Hobi slapped at my ass.

"Her tongue is amazing" Yoongi added, he was on the far left on the sofa.

"You're one to talk" I said, but it came out more as a moan.

I heard the chuckling around us as I had to close my eyes.

"I'll leave your ass alone this time, sunshine. I lost at rock paper, scissors" Hobi grit his jaw together, with the last few words.

I knew they sometimes did that, which didn't remotely bother me as they all knew I wouldn't ever choose who gets to fuck me anally when it came to things like this, as it just seemed unfair. So I always let them just choose between them.

They also knew, that I could only really take three rounds of them in my ass, before I got to my limit, where it wouldn't be pleasure anymore.

I wondered idly on who won the game, before Hobi could see my legs starting to shake from the pleasure, and then he pulled out quickly.

"You aren't getting over stimulated that quickly, sunshine" he breathed out, before he grabbed my shoulders, pulling me back to go on my knees in front of him.

We had also learnt that I could get over stimulated if I had so many orgasms, it was the first time I had used a safe word, ever. I only had to mutter 'yellow' for Joon and Hobi to stop what they were doing. After I explained what it was, we adapted around it.

I opened my mouth, and stuck out my tongue as I watched his hands tug on his cock a few times, as he moaned with his cum landing on my tongue, and chin.

I leant forward, and sucked gently as his tip, making him grin down at me, before he helped me stand up.

JK was quick in handing me a hair band, which a gave him a wink as a thank you.

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