𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐲-𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

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I could feel the breeze on my skin, and the sound of the ocean as I started waking up. I felt a hand drifting up and down my back since I was on my stomach, and stretched before turning around in whoever's arm they were. Just because I fell asleep with JK, doesn't mean I would wake up with him.

"Yoongi hyung is going to be mad if you woke her up" I heard Jimin's voice.

I opened my eyes, seeing Tae giving me a gentle smile.

"I woke up on my own" I defended Tae, holding out my other hand that was pressed on Tae's bicep, and Jimin came over to hold it and I pulled him into bed with us.

I heard a toilet flush, and then JK came out of the bathroom. I made a squeal as he started running towards the bed, the mattress bumping as he jumped onto it. Jimin and JK stared rolling around on the bed, JK winning whatever fight was going on as I held Tae into my chest as he laughed, watching them.

"Did you wake her up?" I heard Yoongi's voice, and turned my head to glance at the doorway. He was glaring playfully at the three youngest, and I smiled.

"No they didn't" I said, making Tae do a face at Yoongi as he wondered over to us and bent down to kiss me on the forehead.

"Morning kitten, lunch is served upstairs" he smiled, smacking at Tae's hand as he tried to pull him into bed with us.

"I'll come up after I've gone to the bathroom" I said, and kicked out gently at JK's back as he had pinned down a chuckling Jimin.

Tae leant up, giving me room to get up if I wanted, and done so as Yoongi pulled me out with his hand. I would have stayed there longer but I needed to use the toilet, and wash my face before I done anything. The sounds of three youngest laughing was keeping me smiling the whole time I was in the bathroom. However when I walked out naked, having to grab my bikini from my suitcase, the laughter stopped.

Now it was my turn to be laughing as I pulled on my bottoms, watching all three men very clearly having no shame in watching. I pointed at JK as he went to stand up, "no, stay over there. I need coffee and food"

He pouted, until Jimin hooked his legs around him from being on the bed behind him, and they were off again.

I put on a sheer cover up that just went past my bottom, and threw my hair up. There was no point in doing anything else as I knew all we would be doing is hanging out on the deck upstairs all day, which sounded perfect. The three men followed me as I left the room, Yoongi wondered out of his room I assumed, holding a bottle of suncream.

"You are welcome to do my back after I've eaten" I smiled as we all got into the lift.

Yoongi smirked slowly, "I'll do more than just your back"

That made the other men laugh, as I threaded my fingers through Yoongi's as the lift opened again.

I saw Joonie first, eating while reading a book. I smoothed my hand across his bare back as I passed by him, all of the men were shirtless and I wasn't complaining one bit.

"Hi little. Do you want a hot coffee? There's only iced there" Joonie breathed out, putting his book down briefly.

I pursed my lips, looking up at Yoongi. I wasn't an iced coffee drinker at all.

"I'll go get you a hot one, kitten" he smiled, squeezing my hand before we went down to the bar where one staff member was there.

I felt a hand grab a handful of my bottom, and I knew instantly who that was. Hobi kissed my neck as he pressed his chest to my back, "did you sleep well, sunshine?"

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