𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

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I yawned as Yoongi passed me my coffee, and he gave me a wink.

I was still pretty wiped out from Saturday night, and stayed up later than I should have, watching a movie in bed with Tae and Jin last night.

"Is it just practise today?" JK asked as all of us started filtering into the kitchen.

Joon nodded, "we've got an American radio interview, but that's over the phone later on"

I went in the car with JK, Jimin and Yoongi on the way to the company, and was going through my phone getting ready for the few meetings I had today. I had a lot of their outfits to organise, for the many photo shoots they had to do for their album photographs.

"You do like the sheer shirts, don't you kitten?" Yoongi breathed out, looking over my shoulder next to me.

I scoffed lightly, "obviously"

He put his hand on my thigh, smiling at the two men in front of us that were grinning at us.

The morning went by quickly, with the back to back meetings, I spent lunch like normal with the boys, before returning back to my office, getting back to sketching what I wanted the theme to be for their outfits.

My phone started vibrating next to me, making me look over at it, with the pencil in my hand.

Adam is calling you...

I pursed my lips, I suppose it was around that time, it had been a few months, apart from the small conversations of texts me had in the meantime.

"Hey" I answered.

"Hi sweetheart. Are you ok?" He asked.

"Yeah I'm fine, are you? Are you in the UK?" I wondered, and carried on sketching out Jin's outfit.

"Yes I'm great. And yep, I'm at home. Have been for a few days, before I fly out to Mexico tomorrow for a few days" he answered.

"You never stop" I muttered.

I heard his small chuckle, which made me give a little smile.

"That I don't. Um, listen sweetheart, I actually wanted to tell you something" he breathed out, making me lean back in my chair, putting the pencil down.

"Ok, go ahead" I replied.

"I've been with this lady, for about a year now, I wanted for you to meet her before I done this but she isn't that keen on flying... but we are getting married" he said quite quickly.

I rose my eyebrows.

I mean, it didn't surprise me. He had been single, from what I know off, for quite some time. While I knew he wasn't exactly my Father, he was the closet thing I had to it, and had brought me up since I was sixteen. We didn't have a bad relationship, but we weren't that close, that's all.

"Oh wow, I'm happy for you" I said, genuinely smiling.

"Really? That's great," he began, and it sounded like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders, "but I do want you to meet her, before the wedding. The wedding is about three months away. She know's all about you, and is excited to meet you"

The thought of going back to the UK, made my stomach uneasy. I hadn't been back to that place, for quite some time. It wasn't my home anymore. My home was with these seven men.

"Of course I'll meet her" I said.

"Can you let me know when you can make it? So I can get the time off as well, it doesn't have to be a long visit. Whatever you are comfortable with. You are welcome to bring anybody, that you might want me to meet" Adam breathed out.

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