𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

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I woke up the next morning to the smell of food cooking, my door was wide open, but both bodies were still pressed against me in a tangle of limbs. That most likely meant it was getting late into the morning, and it was probably JK that opened the door, to encourage us to wake up slowly. Jimin was the first to stir, and I heard him suck in a few breaths through his nose, smelling the food also. I pushed his hair away from his face as he gave me a sleepy smile, and then kissed his forehead.

Tae yawned, and nuzzled into the back of my neck.

I saw movement behind Jimin, and then watched as Jin gave me a warm smile, reaching down to ruffle Jimin's hair and then cup at my face, "Yoongi is nearly done making lunch"

"Lunch?" I asked, my voice croaking.

He nodded, "it's midday"

I rose my eyebrows, we certainly did spend a while in the shower last night, but I didn't expect to sleep in this much. Jin helped me out of the bed so I could easily get way from Tae and Jimin, and I smiled at him before going into the bathroom. Jimin followed me in a minute later, using the toilet after me as I brushed my teeth, sorting out my hair that dried completely wrong, shoving it up in a bun.

Tae patted my ass as he stood behind me, waiting for Jimin to finish.

JK was only in boxers as I saw him in the garden outside, for it being late October it was a warm morning. The large doors were wide open letting the fresh air in, mixing with the taste of food in the air. I went quietly up to him, my hand running up his bare back as he over looked the view we had, and snuck under his arm as he lifted it for me to come around his front. I pecked a few kisses on his chest.

I was engulfed in his arms as we stood there silently for a few minutes until Yoongi called out for us all. I giggled as he bent down, putting me on his shoulder as he walked back into the house, and Hobi made me stifle another giggle as he laughed, bending down to kiss my forehead as we passed him.

Joonie was on phone as he came wondering in from the studios downstairs, and I could hear his Mum on the other side.

"I'll speak to her first Mum... yes I know. I'll call you later" Joonie breathed out, smiling at Yoongi as he gave him his plate of food after giving one to me.

I assumed that he was talking about me, so I waited until we all settled around the dining table to wait for him to talk. Sounds of how good the food was filled the room, JK patting Yoongi's shoulder as he chewed.

I looked at Joonie, and rose an eyebrow, letting him know I was ready whenever he was.

He gave me a soft smile, "my Mum wants to meet you... officially"

Well, I knew that was coming. It's not like we just couldn't not see them, since she know knew about us. I nodded, "yeah, that's fine"

Joonie looked a bit taken back by that, like he was expecting me to say something different. I smiled at him as I finished my mouthful before speaking again.

"I look forward to meeting all of your families, properly. I know it's different, when you guys only have to just meet my step-Dad, and I have to meet seven families. But that's something that comes with the territory" I breathed out, eating another mouthful of eggs.

Jin gave me a wink as I glanced around the table at them all.

"She wanted to come up during the week, to see our house. I explained that we would be leaving Friday evening for the flight to London, so she told me to let her know so she can make plans. I doubt my Dad will come, it's too short notice of get the time off work" Joonie said, watching my reaction as I spoke.

I nodded once more, "I mean, any day is fine. We could meet at the company first? She hasn't seen the new place yet has she?"

Joonie shook his head, since we moved to a brand new company building about six months ago.

"Then you organise it baby" I smiled.

For the rest of the day, while the sun was out we made the most of it. The three youngest went into the pool while I chilled on a deck chair, with my iPad in my hand, sketching out new outfits while I was in the mood. Yoongi came out of his studio late afternoon, to go behind me on the chair, pulling me back into his chest.

"Tae and my flights are booked for Saturday morning" he said with a kiss along the nap of my neck.

I nodded, looking at Tae who splashed JK, chuckling lightly as Jimin laughed at JK's hair that stuck to his face. I wondered something idly, Tae was quite worried about telling his family. I'm sure he would be fine, but knowing that he would be alone in doing that made my heart ache. I turned it look at Yoongi, and he rose an eyebrow, looking down at me.

"Do Tae's and your parent's live far apart?" I asked.

Yoongi pursed his lips, "a few hours"

"I'm worried about him having to tell them on his own" I said, the laughter from Jimin echoing around us.

Yoongi gave me a little smile, "I thought of that already. I'll go with him, and then leave when things have settled to go to my family"

I turned on the chair, to nestle into his lap, wrapping my arms around his torso. He was always so thoughtful. Jin came out and joined the three others in the pool and I took pictures of them as they tried to dunk each other's heads in the pool, it took all three of them to over power JK. I could hear Hobi's laughter from inside the house, making me smile further.

However I knew better when JK started coming out of the pool, I quickly scattered away making him laugh and smack at his leg.

I went to the studios, Joonie was sat there listening to music, and dotting in his notebook. He smiled and turned in the chair, opening his arms so I could go into them, sitting on his lap.

"Have you got back to your Mum?" I asked.

He nodded, "she's coming Wednesday, I've booked a hotel for her. She declined staying in our guest bedrooms, probably for obvious reasons"

I laughed breathlessly.

We ordered out for dinner, as usual the menu fell to me but I called out to see if anyone wanted anything specific, to which JK and Jimin replied. For a short while after we ate, we all watched the youngest and Jin play video games, before Tae put on a movie. Yoongi and Joonie disappeared about ten minutes into it, and Hobi spread into the corner part of the sofa, Tae grabbing a cushion and put it on Hobi's leg as he folded one up by the knee, making it more comfortable for them both.

I was leant back on Jin's chest in between his legs on the other corner, and Jimin was tucked under his other arm. We were holding hands as he was on his side. JK came back from the toilet, and settled in front of me, I put my legs in his lap.

I hoped their families had no problems with their relationship. I understand that it could be a lot to take in, their sons being in a eight person polyamorous relationship. And then only being in a romantic relationship with the only woman. If this was roles reversed, I would be shocked. However it didn't mean I wouldn't support it. Some families were more open minded than others, thankfully. I hoped Adam had no problem with it.

He was the only family I had other than these seven men.


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