𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐲-𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫

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The following morning I woke up in bed with Hobi behind me. I opened up my eyes to my alarm going off, and smiled as I saw the medication and bottle of water right beside my phone, which was no doubt Yoongi's doing.

Hobi yawned and stretched as he felt me moving around in the bed, taking the pills and checking my phone. His hand rubbed over my back and I put my hand behind me so he could take it and give it a squeeze. My bedroom door opened, and a half asleep Jiminie wondered in, collapsing into bed beside me. I smiled and squeezed an ass cheek of his, since I couldn't help myself.

I couldn't help but laugh as Hobi playfully smacked at Jimin's bottom making him grumble, and then I got out of bed and left my bedroom.

"Can you check JK's awake please" I asked Jimin as I went into my bathroom.

"Yes noona" he mumbled back, face still buried in my sheets.

Joonie made me promise as we all made our way into the company to take it easy, and to take frequent breaks with my shoulder. I reminded him that I wasn't the one doing the dancing, only sitting at my office desk. We had a quiet few weeks now, the heaviest period of the year had passed, before it would pick back up a few weeks before Christmas. One thing I was looking forward to was the few weeks break we had in the New Year, and I wondered if I should look into going somewhere with the boys. We could do with a warm get away, while Yoongi and Tae didn't exactly like the sun, they enjoyed the time we all spent together as long as there was shade available.

I texted Lily in the late afternoon, just making sure things were ok on her end. She rang me back instead of texting.

"Hi, you ok?" I asked as I put the phone down on the table while I replied to an email regarding my clothing brand.

"I think so. Are you? How's your shoulder?" She asked, I had told her that I fell down the last four steps on our stairs.

"It's getting better each day," which was partly true because it still very much ached, but each day I woke up it was easing, "have you heard anything more from your ex?"

"No. I doubt he would even pick up the phone if I rang him from what I said to him" she replied, and scoffed at the end.

"I don't blame you. I don't understand how he could take the money over your relationship" I replied, sending the email and leaning back in my chair.

She was quiet for a second, "I mean, we'd only been together three months. But still, it's not the point"

"Yoongi said he would fly to London to come punch him in the throat" I said with a smile.

That made her laugh, "that sounds about right"

I pursed my lips for a second, a wondering thought passing through my mind, "is it still the same for you? As Army"

"If anything I love them even more. I know they are happy, and knowing you is an added bonus" Lily replied, I could hear the smile in her voice.

"I'm glad. It's nice having someone on the inside, I know I'm on Twitter as well, but you're a full time Army, as they say" I said, smiling at the end as I leant forward to grab my coffee.

She agreed and laughed. We spend a few more minutes talking, before my office door opened and Tae came walking through the door, giving me that natural smouldering look.

"Let's go, princess" he breathed out.

"Say hi to Lily" I smiled.

He rose his eyebrows, realising I was on the phone as he looked down at it on the glass desk beside my laptop, and then smiled, "hi Lily"

Lily was quiet for a second, before quietly saying, "hello Taehyung"

That made him smile further, seeing how shy her voice had become. I rolled my eyes playfully at him as he looked at me.

Which seemed to be a bad idea as he cocked his head the side, slowly sucking in his bottom lip as his eyes darkened at me. I held back my smile as I started talking to Lily, "we've got to go ok? I'll speak to you soon"

"Alright, bye" she said, I could again her smiling tone of voice.

As soon as I pressed end call, I leant forward on the table, leaning my breasts against my folded arm. I found this position the most comfortable, when my shoulder ached. But I hadn't had to take my next lot of painkillers yet since this morning so I guess it made sense. Tae came over and spread his large hands on the table as he looked down at me.

He lowered his eyebrows, "take your pills before you get up please"

I slowly smiled, of course he noticed my slight discomfort. I did do it though, because I needed it, and smiled at Tae as he gave me a bottle of water from my mini fridge near the sofas in the middle of the room.

He leant against the end of the table, giving me a warm smile as he crossed his arms, "we will give it five minutes"

I nodded once, "are we leaving early?"

"Hobi's orders, ending practice early" he grinned.

I breathed out a laugh, he also was taking it easy on me with this, as well as the others. Tae got off the table and came to the side of me, turning my office chair to face him. He smiled and leaned his head into my thighs as he knelt down. I put my hands in his wavy fluffy hair, that he had just started growing out. It seemed that right now, Tae, JK and Joonie were the ones growing out their hair.

We stayed like that for the few minutes, Tae's hands wrapping around my ass on the bottom of the chair.

"How are you feeling?" I asked, checking in. I knew he picked up easily on the energy around the room and he hated it when one of us weren't ok.

"I think I'm ok. I just keep reminding myself that we are all still fine, Kookie will get better and you'll heal quickly. Fuck that Ethan" he added at the end, smiling at me as he looked up at me from my thighs.

I smiled and rubbed my hand around his square jaw. My office door opened and I saw Jin wonder in, giving me a smile. Tae stood up, making him raise an eyebrow seeing the tall man pop out of nowhere.

"What were you doing on the floor?" He teased.

Tae flashed him a big grin, "not what you are thinking"

I stood up and packed away by bits as Jin passed me my shoes.

"We are doing something this evening baby girl, when the sun sets" Jin breathed out as we made our way to the company cars to take us home.

"Are we? What?" I asked as Tae swung our arms in between us.

"A surprise. I thought we all needed to get out the house" he replied, giving me a wink.


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