𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫

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Felix and I walked slowly back to our table, and as he was chatting away I checked the room to see where my men were. I liked to know where they were just as much as they done so with me. And I wasn't surprised to see all seven pairs of eyes on me, no matter where they were. Jimin was the first to come over to us as we walked, he stood close to me, enough for me to take a step away because I'm sure even Felix picked up on it as he glanced down at the small space in between Jimin and I. When Jimin got a few glasses of alcohol in him, he certainly was a lot more touchy than normal, and even his normal self was a good amount.

Felix and him got into a conversation, and Jimin put his hand on the small of my back. I looked over at Joonie, who was a few tables away from us, with Yoongi. Joonie patted Yoongi on the shoulder before coming over to us, and very expertly pulled Jimin away from me as he laughed at something Felix said. JK pulled the chair out next to him, waiting for me to sit down which I done so. The managers had gone over to another table, speaking with some older men I didn't recognise at all, and I thought maybe they were other idol groups managers, they certainly gave off that same vibe as Sejin and the others did.

Jin was glancing at me from near the couple of bars at the end of the room, and I couldn't help but give him a smile as he winked at me, before getting back into conversation with the small group of people around him.

However when I went to find the next man from my life, which was Tae, I noticed that there certainly was more woman around him than the others. Not that it bothered me, but it made a twinge of jealousy surface as I saw the woman idol member lean over and pat his arm as she laughed at something he said. I didn't have to deal with this normally, because every woman we were normally around, knew of our relationship. I watched quietly for a minute or so until his gaze flicked back to our table, probably checking on where I and his brothers were.

The woman talked again, but he just nodded at her, eyes were on me. I glanced at the woman, and then back at him. He couldn't help but do a big grin, before going back to the conversation.

And as time went on, the music got louder, and I did pick up on what Felix told me earlier. The idol groups were relaxing, some of the female groups had taken off their shoes to dance together in the open space created. And as I looked around the room, there were many groups of people around it, and each group had one of my boys in there. It didn't surprise me to see how popular they were. However JK would still sit with me on the table, his friends that I knew of already, with us. They would engage me in the conversation, and I'm sure they most likely knew of our relationship as JK had been friends with them for a long, long time. It didn't surprise me that he wasn't out socialising like the others, even though he was confident, he was still an introvert much like myself.

Under the table, his hand slipped over to squeeze my bare thigh that was uncovered from the leg slit, and I put my hand over his briefly.

The next song that came on, was BTS' newest single. I grinned as Jimin started dancing in his group, that Tae was also apart of. They started doing the choreography, making a lot of people smile and laugh. As the song went onto Jin's part, Jimin ended his dance, and quickly turned around looking for his eldest brother, and pointed at him. Jin laughed, but started doing his own choreography. Yoongi and Hobi were clapping him on, until they also joined in from the chorus. I knew the part that was coming up as JK was chucking and slapping at the table, watching his brothers.

And right on the beat, JK jumped up, and done the very slow grind of his hips that made everyone on our table clap, and I could hear Hobi's laugh regardless of him being a handful of tables away from us.

JK covered his ears as he sat back down, feeling shy once more. I giggled, wanting to put my hands on his cheeks to help him, but instead I praised him quietly.

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