𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞

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The Captain came out to wave at me as we exited the plane, and I called a thank you before following my two men. Joonie took charge, mainly because he could speak English but they both knew where they were going since they had been to this airport a handful of times on tour. It was quiet, the main people around the airport being staff since it was four in the morning, it was only our flight and another from Australia that has landed recently.

"Oh that is a nice car" Jin praised as we made our way to the collection point, where the car was waiting for us.

I murmured agreement as Joonie opened the passenger door for me, and gave me a little kiss as I drifted pass him. I sorted out the satnav, before Jin hopped into the drivers seat and Joonie went in the back. Jin took a few minutes getting used to the controls, since it was the opposite side of the car he was used to driving on, but we were soon on our way with no problems.

Joonie stared yawning, and I smiled, "go to sleep if you want, you'll still be able to sleep when we get at the hotel"

He said something incoherent, and a few minutes later Jin glanced in the rear view mirror and told me he was asleep.

"You doing ok?" Jin asked me quietly after a period of me watching the world go by from the window. One thing I did miss was the fields, the endless view of green from driving along the motorway and being near no towns or cities.

"I think so" I replied breathlessly.

"No matter what, everything will be alright, baby girl" he smiled as I glanced at his perfect profile.

And when we arrived at the hotel, checking in went very quickly, and the twin queen bed suite looked very inviting. After we all settled, I got into bed with Jin, Joonie being in the other. I think I only managed about an hours sleep when Jin's alarm went off, making the three of us stir. I felt slightly heavy headed from the minute of sleep I had, and I think the two men felt the same from how slowly we all got out of bed.

The plan was to meet Adam for lunch in the hotel lobby, and quite soon as I glanced at my phone to see the handful of texts from my other boys. I replied to them all, sending pictures of my surroundings of Joonie stretching, and Jin yawning. After going to the toilet and brushing my teeth, I made a start on getting ready. Joonie mumbled that he was hungry, and I heard Jin saying it won't be long until we can have lunch. When I emerged not long after, they both gave me bright smiles at me being fully ready. I didn't remotely feel hungry yet, and I probably wouldn't until we met Adam. Jin had already organised a private booth in the hotel's restaurant, just so our conversation wouldn't be overheard.

It was a gloomy day as I stood by the window with my water, and I pulled on a thick cardigan.

"We've gotta go, baby girl" Jin breathed out, putting his hand in mine.

As we got downstairs into the lobby, both of the boys went ahead to the restaurant, so I could meet Adam on my own first of all. They both glanced back at me before turning the corner, going through the double doors out of sight.

I forced myself to take a deep breath just as I heard my name being called.

I smiled when I saw him, I hadn't seen him since the last time he came to Seoul and Tae met him also then. We quickly gave each other a hug.

"I swear you get shorter each time I see you" Adam said with a teasing tone.

"Oh thanks. Well your beard has gotten more grey" I replied, grinning.

He laughed, and pushed my shoulder. Then he glanced around the lobby area where a lot of business men in suits were passing us, "didn't you bring anyone?"

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