𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲

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By the time Friday rolled around, which was only two days later, it was an anxious day at the company. I had things ready for the wrap party tomorrow, their outfits all ready at the dressing room here at the company, since we would drive from here to the party venue. There was smaller dressing rooms at the venue, but they were all bunched together with curtains separating in a large hall, for touch ups along the evening for the idols, since pictures were allowed to be taken.

And Army knew BTS were attending this year, and were very much looking forward to seeing any pictures of them that the venue would release. 

Each time I found my mind wondering, I would have to stop the bubble of nerves in my stomach. Things were quiet from dispatch, and I hoped that it was just in fact a rumour.

I was late going over to the practise room for lunch, because I had a conference call, but my lunch was already there waiting for me as Yoongi pointed at it for me as I sat down next to JK and Hobi. Jin carried the conversation, as I could fully tell a few of the other boys were feeling the same as I was. Waiting for something that might not happen.

Just as I was finishing my lunch though, my assistant popped her hand around the practice room door to tell me she had FILA's brand rep on hold, to book their next photoshoot for the new seasons active wear.

Hobi tapped my bottom as I left them, taking the call back on my office as my laptop was there with the fully updated schedule.

However just as I was ending the call, a notification sent from Sejin came across my screen.

"Oh, fuck" I breathed out, barely a whisper.

There it was.

BTS's Kim Namjoon, Jung Hoseok and Park Jimin. What is the relationship with their head stylist?

The article didn't need to say anything else than that, because there was a handful of photos, that looked quite clear despite the distance from how far away the camera was. I knew this place, it was from our date from a while ago, to the painting studio.

But how the fuck did they get these photos? The studio was on the second floor, and the camera angle was from straight across. I couldn't think back to the day, I didn't really take in the view from outside the windows, so I don't know what building was from across the studio.

I frowned at one picture, it was of me, clearly very brightly smiling at Hobi. But the angle of the photo couldn't actually tell that we were holding hands, but you could see my hand outstretching towards him, his torso hiding the fact our hands were together.

And then the next when was off Jimin, he was leaning on my back, his torso pressing against it as I was looking at the painting. His hands rested on my shoulders, and was looking at Hobi next to me, a warm smile on his full lips.

However the worst out of them all in my opinion, was the one with Joonie. He was next to me, and the camera got a perfect shot of him reaching over and cupping my cheek, a dimple joining his smile. I thought back to the day, and thanked god I couldn't actually remember us kissing one another, we kept it minimal touching, regardless of the fact that the teacher had signed a NDA. The teacher was in the back ground in some shots, but her face was blurred.

I sighed and stood up, just as my office door opened.

"Oh no, baby boy" I quickly muttered.

Jimin was stood there, phone in his hand with a very worried expression, and red eyes that were threatening to tear up. I went into his chest, wrapping my arms around his torso just as I saw JK behind him. He didn't smile as we looked at each other but his eyes softened.

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